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Germans are rude and oberlehrerhaft 20 Jan 2007 8:31 AM (17 years ago)

(Oberlehrer = Chief Teacher (Upper teacher? – I have a problem with correct translation), „oberlehrerhaft“ means somthing close to „knowing everything better then others“)

Where does this prejudice come from? At least we even had it as a comment according this blog. So some deep truth in it?

Germany has had a long tradition of „better not tell what you think – the Authority (Lord, King, Führer) will know it better and might punish you for your opinion”. In the same time there is a big tradition of scientists, writers, philosophers who where born, raised and worked in Germany and its predecessors. For a long time our Country was called „The country of the poets and philosopher“. So maybe people had to tell something.

But „oberlehrerhaft“ doesn’t describe, that you have to tell something. It describes the way you are telling it: To lift the finger and to announce the only truth! So it means, that Germans do not respect others opinions, because they „own“ the only truth? What if we do? Maybe we are better educated, maybe we are ahead in discussion, maybe we know the best way?

Pointing on german historie, you’ll find a 1000 years period (from 1933-1945), while Germany knew the truth, but didn’t argue. A bit later Germany got new rules and laws from people who knew better.

In Germany „Lehrer“ (teacher) are civil servants. Germans own prejudice against those officials: They duck and hide themselves, as soon as an authority apears - or simply someone argues better - or just louder … just do not leave them the last word. We should have done it this way more often …

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German men like uniforms to travel the world 12 Aug 2006 4:18 AM (18 years ago)

Due the last century, especially german men are well known for travelling in uniform. People from Abroad now think, that germans have a special relation to uniforms. Not all ist true about this. Sure, sometimes it is very useful to have common dresses – like we can show on the picture.    

So: How does a german man gets his uniform?    

German UniformFirst time dressed: Parents are used to dress their baby similar to all other babys - maybe different colors for different genders. Have you ever tried out to find a baby in a big bunch of other babys? German men learn, that a uniform is good to hide in the crowd. 

Next time dressed: Teenage time. The German man decides to be different from all other people in the world - at least different to his parents. Scientists call that a sort of “creating own personality”. The german man decides to be Punk or Skinhead or whatever – just to be different from others. Funny thing to uniform yourself to show, that you are unique. 

The third time uniform: It is not used to be a time for all: The military. Only very few german men go there – so most do not have the knowledge of power of a military uniform.   

Later german men follow the dresscodes in business, find their uniformed opinion in newspapers and follow up everything that advertising can offer them – especially when they buy cars.  The time to use a uniform just as practical clothes for travelling are over.
German men do not like uniforms - they just wear them.

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All germans are addicted to the 2006 soccer worldcup 18 May 2006 10:11 AM (18 years ago)

In front of the soccer worldcup I’m facing this prejudice a very personal way. Because I’m not a soccer fan I’m looking for places where is no soccer worldcup hype. But I learned: All germans are addictet to this soccer worldcup!

This isn’t a prejustice but a truth.

Even my little Italian restaurant, where I’m used to sit every evening, threatens to install a big screen, so I’ll be forced to view the soccer worldcup.

So belive me, these Germans are crazy about the soccer worldcup.

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Write Comments! 12 Apr 2006 9:27 AM (18 years ago)

Today we got the following email:

“I loved what you had to say too about German girls.:-)  I visited Munich
back in 2000 and was flabergasted at the sight of soo many beautiful

The worlds most beautiful women hands down are GERMAN WOMEN!!!!”

We asked ourselves, why he didn’t post it as comment? Maybe he’d like to stay anonymus? You can - even when you post a comment. As long as it no nonsense or spam, we promise not to delete! 

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Darwin or Holy Bible 4 Apr 2006 7:54 AM (18 years ago)

Darwin was rightSome people in the world are discussing hard about the topic “Is manhood made by god or is it result of evolution”. In a small city in south of germany we have found the last proove for the evolution. Darwin was right!

You cannot call Bavaria a place of evil. I’d guess nowhere in germany so many people are visiting church (well, maybe places with mostly polish people). But here you find definatly prooves for Dawins Evolution: We found an old picture of an old visitor of the traditional german Restaurant “Würstlstube” in Ingolstadt. As you can see: At least Bavarians have their roots not in the rib of Adam but “Weißbier and Knoedel” from Bavaria …

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