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Announcement! Now Announcing MORE Announcements! 29 Sep 2012 | 01:08 am
Usually announcing your intent to announce an announcement is redundant and accomplishes nothing. In this particular case, what it accomplishes is making you antsy and uncomfortable for an entire wee...
Skinny Bundles And Bundly Skin 22 Sep 2012 | 01:38 am
Zip up those plastic pants, everybody, it's time to pee yourselves from both fright and glee at the same time! First comes the fright. As you all know, Halloween is just around the dark, dark corner ...
Castles, Cakes & Dangerous Dreamcatchers 16 Sep 2012 | 10:56 am
Sorry the blog is up so late this week. What we lack in punctuality, we will make up entirely in exciting blogstuff! So here comes the blogstuff Max worked some more on the new awe...
SkyVu's Hall O' Weens Sneak Peek Week! 8 Sep 2012 | 12:44 am
There's no need to be sneaky about your peeks, children, I want nothing more than to fully expose to you a preview of what SkyVu has in store for your HALLOWEEN! Once a year inappropriately aged (and...
Freaky Friday: turn on your night light to read this post because it's scary.... SCARY AWESOME! 1 Sep 2012 | 10:36 am
Just a mere week ago we rolled out update 1.3.2 with a brand new level map: the Abusement Park. And what an abusingly fun park it is! You thought, wow, we just got an update with a new map how could...
Knock Knock. Who's There? It's Destiny. Destiny Who? Your Destiny. 25 Aug 2012 | 12:33 am
Open the door, children, and run headlong, straight into the light. While purgatory had its back turned we snuck up on it and replaced it with DESTINY. YOUR DESTINY! Your destiny, my wayward soul, is ...
Knock Knok. Who's There? It's Destiny. Destiny Who? Your Destiny. 25 Aug 2012 | 12:33 am
Open the door, children, and run headlong, straight into the light. While purgatory had its back turned we snuck up on it and replaced it with DESTINY. YOUR DESTINY! Your destiny, my wayward soul, is ...
BBR 1.3.2 INFINITY AND not much farther. 18 Aug 2012 | 04:23 am
The moment some of you have been waiting for and probably more of you are just finding out about for the first time is "FINALLY" (for some of you) upon us! BBR's 1.3.2. update has been submitted and ...
Every once in a while a blog comes along that stretches the limits of what is possible for a language to describe. No earthly tongue can aptly convey what is about to enter your head through the eyes ...
Ain't No Blog Like a Battle Bears Blog Because a Battle Bears Blog Don't St- 4 Aug 2012 | 03:50 am
Look out your window. Is it Friday? If yes, please continue to read as per normal, if no... God have mercy on your soul* As far as I'm concerned, it MUST BE FRIDAY because here I am again, putting o...