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Untitled 23 Aug 2013 | 10:08 pm
Idk why but i'm feeling like shit tonight. I'm still hanging here waiting for W to reply. While i'm stuck thinking of all the shits recently. So many things I could have done/said but didn't. I've ch...
《最懂我的人》 22 Aug 2013 | 12:34 am
我的老毛病又发作了! 哭包子 看戏又看到流泪不止。*羞* (>_<) 这部短片真的不错看。虽然演员的演艺还可以,但讯息真的有被传出去。 “世界上没有烂学生,只有放弃自己的学生。” 我们也要懂得珍惜我们现在所拥有的一切。往往都往好的方面想,心情也会不止不觉的变得更好。 有时候,我们会对自己的人生不满。觉得 父母不够好,弟弟不够好,成绩很烂 或 朋友都是那些会在你背后捅一刀的人。 可是如果我们能用另...
《变身超人》Machi Action! 17 Aug 2013 | 02:03 am
刚看完这部超吊的电影。我给这部戏的评分 : 满分!\(^_^)/ 真的超好看的!很有意义的一部戏。适合全家大小一起观看。 小孩子看了会把戏中的超人当偶像哦!他们会学会怎么伸出援手,乐于助人。也会认同欺负弱小是不对的。大人或成年人看了能够体会到超人的心情。他在戏中所碰到的问题都是我们在日常生活中会碰到的。能提醒大家 ‘忠诚’ 是什么。 还传达着一种 ‘永不言败’ 的精神! 在生活中人们往往会碰到许多...
How you deal with stress and what it says about you. 16 Aug 2013 | 09:52 pm
How You Deal With Stress & What It Says About You We are all faced with a verity of stress at any given time. Sometimes it’s just the stress of daily life, and other times it can be much more signifi...
Bus Ride Post #2 14 Aug 2013 | 08:58 pm
Some times It's better to pretend that you never knew anything. Save the trouble of getting yourself involved, having your mind work on it and save yourself from problems. Problems will also decrea....
Untitled 13 Aug 2013 | 01:37 pm
Maybe it's my time of the month . Maybe I just couldn't keep my emotions subdued any longer. Been on a emotion roller coaster ride since ytd. It's really tiring to have fluttering emotions. You're lik...
HAP-HAP-HAPPEE-WEEK! \(^_^)/ 11 Aug 2013 | 10:29 pm
WEEEE~ August has been pretty fine for me so far. Had those high and low times for the first 2 weeks of August. Got caught on a real tight schedule last Monday and exploded in class. Guess it was a re...
Negativity Switch: ON 3 Aug 2013 | 10:19 pm
There lies a line that defines the positive and negative thoughts. The moment i step into the toilet, its like theres a wall built around me to prevent me from being seen, judged, etc. Some where i ca...
Losing 23 Jul 2013 | 04:11 pm
fucking hate this feeling of losing my things. just lost a whole carton of olevel stuff which i presume had been thrown by someone in the house because it is no where to be seen! All my hours spent on...
Reminsing Secondary School 13 Jul 2013 | 07:48 am
Despite how much i always preach and hate my secondary school. I still miss that place once in a while. How everything was so much more simple. Those memories built, lessons learnt, experiences shared...