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Two Important CakePHP Plugins You Must Use In Your Next Cake Project - ACL Plugin & Facebook Plugin 16 Apr 2011 | 03:51 pm
I am glad to get personal emails from a few of our readers. They are mostly Cake Newbies! I am really excited to find that this blog has helped some of them. I promised to share two more plugins, whic...
CakePHP: Tweak With Search, Managing Form Post Data 6 Dec 2010 | 01:04 am
Nowadays, it has rather become a trend to let the visitors sort or filter search results. We let them search by the bestsellers, popular, newest, or, simply by price. We can use a form with a select b...
CakePHP: Tweak With Search, Managing Form Post Data 5 Dec 2010 | 08:04 pm
Nowadays, it has rather become a trend to let the visitors sort or filter search results. We let them search by the bestsellers, popular, newest, or, simply by price. We can use a form with a select b...
How to Open a File (xls, doc, pdf etc) through a link in CakePHP 30 Aug 2010 | 03:53 pm
Well this question was discussed in Google Group. The poster wants to open xls, doc, or pdf files using CakePHP. As such, he wants to create a link, which when clicked, should open the document. Sol...
Something on CakePHP Notice (8): Undefined Index 22 Aug 2010 | 05:35 am
I do not know what should be the perfect title for this post - amazing cake or uncanny cake. But unfortunately, CakePHP can literally drive you CRAZY at times. So, we need to develop a methodical debu...
How to use SEO urls in CakePHP without the ID 8 Aug 2010 | 04:22 am
CakePHP offers massive support to create SEO friendly URLs on the fly. You can create SEO-friendly-urls without an ID value to refer to specific post id. It works like a charm like many other Cake MAG...
How to Add Robots Meta Tag to a CakePHP View File 18 Jun 2010 | 08:06 pm
This is a pirated idea... and hats off to Maquel Collado for his wonder post Adding robots meta-tag to a CakePHP view You should check the original there. And here is a carbon copy: Code: <?php $h...
How to Create Multiple AJAX Forms on Same Page in CakePHP 7 May 2010 | 04:16 pm
Settings: Say, your posts/index.ctp page displays the latest ten posts. You want to allow user to rate each post. Requirement: You MUST have a Post Model and a Comment Model. In your respective view...
Where Should I Upload robots.txt file in CakePHP installation & Why I Thanked Google Webmaster Tool Once Again 1 May 2010 | 05:27 pm
For those rather newbies (ME too!), robots.txt in a text file, which restricts access to specific folders or files in your web page. As such you create some rules using that file. Well behaved robots ...
CakePHP Pagination & Custom Routes Issue 19 Feb 2010 | 07:39 am
Custom Routes are something that make CakePHP very interesting! If you are reading this post you must have experimented with what we call custom routing. The problem might arise when we want to pagina...