Bmj - - Evidence-Based Nursing current issue

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37% of child survivors of intrauterine or neonatal insults experience at least one long-term sequela, the most common being neurodevelopmental delay 7 Jun 2013 | 09:25 am

Commentary on: Mwaniki MK , Atieno M, Lawn JE, et al.. Long-term neurodevelopmental outcomes after intrauterine and neonatal insults: a systematic review. Lancet 2012 ; 379 : 445 –52. Implication...

Women who drink heavily during pregnancy have increased stillbirth risk 7 Jun 2013 | 09:25 am

Commentary on: O'Leary C , Jacoby P, D'Antoine H, et al.. Heavy prenatal alcohol exposure and increased risk of stillbirth. BJOG 2012 ; 119 : 945 –52. Implications for practice and research Iden...

Self-harm within inpatient psychiatric services: most episodes are among women, involve breaking the skin and take place in private 7 Jun 2013 | 09:25 am

Commentary on: James K , Stewart D, Wright S, et al.. Self harm in adult inpatient psychiatric care: a national study of incident reports in the UK. Int J Nurs Stud 2012 ; 49 : 1212 –19. Implicat...

In individuals with schizophrenia, duration and severity of mental illness, health status, mutuality, employment and household income influence qualit... 7 Jun 2013 | 09:25 am

Commentary on: Hsiao CY , Hsieh MH, Tseng CJ, et al.. Quality of life of individuals with schizophrenia living in the community: relationship to socio-demographic, clinical and psychosocial charact...

Among patients admitted to ICU, delirium is most common in those with neurological diagnoses, and is associated with adverse health outcomes 7 Jun 2013 | 09:25 am

Commentary on van den Boogaard M , Schoonhoven L, van der Hoeven JG, et al.. Incidence and short-term consequences of delirium in critically ill patients: a prospective observational cohort study. ...

Postangiography patients who complete cardiac rehabilitation have reduced risk of mortality or hospitalisation compared to non-completers 7 Jun 2013 | 09:25 am

Commentary on: Martin BJ , Hauer T, Arena R, et al.. Cardiac rehabilitation attendance and outcomes in coronary artery disease patients. Circulation 2012 ; 126 : 677 –87. Implications for practic...

Postmenopausal women with medically treated diabetes have increased risk of lung cancer 7 Jun 2013 | 09:25 am

Commentary on: Luo J , Chlebowski R, Wactawski-Wende J, et al.. Diabetes and lung cancer among postmenopausal women. Diabetes Care 2012 ; 35 : 1485 –91. Implications for practice and research Lu...

Early ambulation after percutaneous coronary intervention does not increase bleeding risk compared with late ambulation 7 Jun 2013 | 09:25 am

Commentary on: Tongsai S , Thamlikitkul V. The safety of early versus late ambulation in the management of patients after percutaneous coronary interventions: a meta-analysis. Int J Nurs Stud 2012...

Predicting outcome at the bedside: the surgical intensive care unit: optimal mobility score 7 Jun 2013 | 09:25 am

Commentary on: Kasotakis G , Schmidt U, Perry D, et al.. The surgical intensive care unit optimal mobility score predicts mortality and length of stay. Crit Care Med 2012 ; 40 : 1122 –8 Implicati...

Adolescents who take part in team sports, or who actively commute to school, are less likely to be obese 7 Jun 2013 | 09:25 am

Commentary on: Drake KM , Beach ML, Longacre MR, et al. Influence of sports, physical education and active commuting to school on adolescent weight status. Pediatrics 2012 ; 130 : e296 –304. Impl...

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