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Quick and Easy CAP Rates 3 Nov 2011 | 11:18 am
You may hear the term CAP Rate (CAP Rate = NOI ÷ Price) from time to time, especially when evaluating rental properties for sale. You may already know what it is, why it’s important and how to calcula...
Resident Retention and How It Saves You Money! 5 Apr 2011 | 01:25 pm
Studies have shown that the average tenure for a resident at a rental home is nine months or less and this could be costly for your investment. Some specialists have estimated that it costs five time...
Miracle On Idaho Street 14 Nov 2010 | 08:44 am
The holidays are quickly approaching and here at Capital Group we are getting excited to see the seasons change and once again share laughter, memories and of course tons of yummy food with friends an...
Now That’s Just Crazy… 23 Oct 2010 | 07:14 am
Last time mortgage interest rates were as low as they are now, you could buy a gallon of gas for 19 cents! You may have heard that “interest rates are historically low” and that it’s a great time to t...
Real Estate Investor Report: Third Quarter 2010 16 Oct 2010 | 11:10 am
Here we are in the last quarter of the year and the real estate market is looking great for investors looking to take advantage of record low interest rates and attractive prices! Sales edged down a l...
Free Money?? 16 Sep 2010 | 11:12 am
You know the old saying: you can’t get something for nothing, right? Well, the Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) says you can! This national program began giving away interest free money over a...