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The End of LOST 24 May 2010 | 10:40 am

2014 - 4 Years after The End Of Lost As the convention panel came to an end, the four audience members stood to their feet, awkward expressions across each of their faces as they slowly, and somewhat...

6x12: "Everybody Loves Hugo" Recap 18 May 2010 | 12:53 pm

This weeks' episode contains lots of explosions, a few answers and True Love. Or True Craziness, I'm not sure... In Alt-World, Hugo is getting honored as somebody's Man of the Year. He has donated a ...

6x11: "Happily Ever After" Recap 18 May 2010 | 03:44 am

This week on LOST: The writers put every minor detail from the five previous seasons and throw them into a hat. Then they pick one one out every once and a while to throw in a scene so the rabid fans ...

6x10: "The Package" Recap 21 Apr 2010 | 12:42 pm

This episode opens with half of the audience convinced their HDTV's are on the fritz. It turns out to just be night-vision goggle-cam. The camp is being watched by persons unknown. So we all know it's...

6x09: "Ab Aeterno" Recap 13 Apr 2010 | 03:24 pm

In tonight's episode we have Richards backstory, more about Jacob and the Man in Black, Richard possibly going insane, brief moments with some Losties, and Richard. Plus an answer or two along the way...

6x08: "Recon" Recap 13 Apr 2010 | 02:10 pm

This week on LOST, Sawyer gets two different women into the sack at different times. Both of them end up hating him afterwards. But his heart belongs to Miles. Apparently when all the rest of the cra...

6x07: "Dr. Linus" Recap 25 Mar 2010 | 01:17 am

After fleeing from the temple and the creeptastic new Sayid, Ben opens this episode by catching up with lady warrior Ilana and her roving pack of ancillary characters. Ben fills them in on the carnag...

Everything That's Right 23 Mar 2010 | 10:28 am

The following article is written by the very respected SWLS user Laklost. I was wrong. I exulted last spring over Locke's resurrection. I called him the New Man. I said he overcame Ben's murderous ta...

6x06: "Sundown" Recap 16 Mar 2010 | 01:42 am

Sayid begins this week in the alterverse, getting out of a cab in front of a house in a typical suburban tropical locale. He approaches the front door with roses and is greeted with a smiling and obvi...

Lost's Unnamed Philosophers 10 Mar 2010 | 02:23 pm

We have a quest writer today at sledgeweb. Ericd543 recongnizes that there are many obvious philosophy references in Lost. There are also many less obvious references. Ericd543 will examine it all aft...

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cubit, dharma initiative, jack's dad, judgement ben, sledge web, lost egyptian god,, ridallyn, they need you, locke's spcial contrac6

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