Fantasyboard - - Rules & Plot

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The Setting 31 May 2011 | 02:34 pm

In the year 2010, the world has thrived but something happened that caused millions to change into creatures of myth. Nekos, kitsunes, inus, demons, and other creatures where what the millions where c...

Frequently Asked Questions 25 May 2011 | 04:53 pm

How do I get a mansion? Simply PM the Rhea with the name and description of the mansion or home you want. If you want to own a club or something then feel free to pm the idea to Rhea, make sure you i...

Member ChatBox Commands 6 May 2011 | 04:06 pm

Chatbox commands - Explanation All Members Commands: /me - In the beginning of a sentence, this command will be replaced by your username (ex: /me eats a delicious pizza" will display "Nickname eats...

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