Furman - blogs.furman.edu - Furman Blogs
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Back-To-School On-line Technology Training 17 Jul 2013 | 05:10 pm
Back-To-School On-line Technology Training Available to all Faculty and Staff in August, September OR October Register for a one-month Lynda.com license to access training videos in these 5 subjects...
New Blogging Server 5 Dec 2012 | 10:47 am
Welcome, this is the new blogs server. If you have accessed blogs.furman.edu in the past, you may see some significant changes in both look and functionality. If you have any trouble accessing or usin...
New features for blog admins! 10 Feb 2009 | 03:59 am
If you run a blog on this server, there are some new features available! First off, there are now over sixty themes available for you to use on your blog. No more excuses to use the bland classic or...
Requesting new Blogs 16 Dec 2008 | 04:48 am
Current Furman University faculty and staff members, with an active network account, may place a request with the Help Desk for the creation of a blog to be used for scholarly, curricular, extra-cur...
Use of this site 16 Dec 2008 | 04:46 am
This site is governed by the Furman University Blog Usage Policy. Please take a look before posting comments on any blogs hosted here.