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OM4Business gets some special plugins 15 Feb 2008 | 09:56 pm
We upgraded our comment spam protection this week. Our OM4Business sites already run Bad Behavior, and with an Akismet key you can activate Akismet. But for many business sites, the fact Akismet requ...
Should a small business consider a content marketing website? Jenny Geelen, Ocularist 15 Jan 2008 | 05:53 pm
Jenny Geelen, one of our clients, has written a guest post. As she was initially a bit of a sceptic about what we proposed, I’ve asked her to write about her experience with creating a much more activ...
Launching 9 Jan 2008 | 06:58 pm
OM4 is growing up. We launched OM4Tourism in late 2007, and are now launching OM4Business offers you a blog-enabled website with zero setup cost and zero ongoing hosting costs. Here...