Orthoassist - orthoassist.com - OrthoAssist - Training For Orthodontic Assistants
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Focus Ortho 21 May 2013 | 08:38 pm
Just returned from the AAO and so excited about the new practice management software Focus Ortho - Check it out - www.FocusOrtho.com
Hope to see you in Philadelphia May 3-7 at the 2013 AAO 11 Apr 2013 | 04:35 am
Look forward to seeing everyone in Philadelphia at the 2013 AAO. I will be lecturing Sunday morning 8-9:30. Please come visit me during the meeting in the Focus Ortho Booth #2348 to check out wonder...
OrthoAssist CE Online with Catapult University 27 Mar 2013 | 03:28 am
OrthoAssist partners with Catapult University to provide a three part online series to aid Dental Professionals working with Orthodontic Patients. Visit www.catapultuniversity.com for more informatio...
New 5 Pearls Available 24 Mar 2013 | 06:47 pm
Feel Free to request the new 5 Pearls to assist you at your practice and they will be emailed immediately to you.
Ortho Consult On Call 15 Mar 2013 | 12:21 am
Have a connection to an orthodontic consultant to assist you with any area of the practice. Efficiency, Training, Staff, Procedures, etc. I continue to work in a practice and can truly relate to wha...
AAO 113th Annual Session Pennsylvania 24 Feb 2013 | 09:25 pm
Please join me for a wonderful AAO this year in Pennsylvania May 3-7th. I will be lecturing on May 5th 8-9:30 "Why is it important to establish a training program for your practice?"
2013 RMSO/GLAO 22 Feb 2013 | 12:08 am
Please join me at the RMSO/GLAO annual session in Colorado Springs, Colorado Set. 27-29, 2013. I will be lecturing Friday September 27, 8:30-10;30.
New Website Services Available 20 Feb 2013 | 06:48 am
Memberships now available to have Consult On Call to assist with all your orthodontic practice needs. Have access to many forms and handouts.
SAO Meeting Asheville North Carolina 5 Jul 2012 | 03:37 am
Please join me at the SAO meeting in Asheville North Carolina Sept. 26-30. I will be presenting three lectures: Friday September 28, 2012 “Emergencies and How they impact the Orthodontic Practice” ...
SAO Meeting Asheville North Carolina 5 Jul 2012 | 12:37 am
Please join me at the SAO meeting in Asheville North Carolina Sept. 26-30. I will be presenting three lectures: Friday September 28, 2012 "Emergencies and How they impact the Orthodontic Practice" Sa...