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Obamacare To Speed Robotic Farming 26 Aug 2013 | 01:53 am

One big upside of Obamacare: taxpayer subsidies to farmers (in the form of state-provided medical care for poor people) will go down. The farmers are not happy about it The effects of the law could be...

Egypy Military Coup: Looks Like It Will Stick 25 Aug 2013 | 11:00 pm

From the Christian Science Monitor: Low turnout at Egypt's protests highlights Islamists' disarray. From McClatchy: Muslim Brotherhood leadership fading amid government crackdown. Still more said they...

Inevitable Triumph Of Liberal Democracy Halted 15 Years Ago 22 Aug 2013 | 11:16 am

Liberal Manifest Destiny is a myth that lives on unjustified by the evidence. We can see some of the effects in one of the best scorecards for keeping track of trends in implementing liberal democrati...

Prosecutions Of People Who Train Better Liars 22 Aug 2013 | 11:02 am

Really, I am not making this up. A McClatchy piece explains: You are not allowed to get trained in how to lie. The natural liars in high government posts don't want the competition. WASHINGTON — Feder...

J.P. Morgan: US Economy Will Stay At 1.75% Growth Rate 19 Aug 2013 | 10:47 am

J.P. Morgan bank economists are not bullish on America. This bodes very poorly for the welfare state. Only a rapidly growing economy can produce enough wealth to enable growing tax revenue to pay for ...

Greek Economy Shrinks 20 Quarters In A Row So Far 18 Aug 2013 | 10:25 am

A ParaPundit post from a few months ago: Greek Economy Shrinks 19 Quarters In A Row So Far. The Greeks have now reached an even worse milestone: 20 quarters (5 years) going down and still counting. Th...

US Government Has No Real Choice On Egypt 18 Aug 2013 | 12:21 am

Title for a Daniel Larison piece in The Guardian: Unless Obama cuts aid to Egypt, he'll be seen as endorsing coup and crackdown: The US has already taken sides in Egypt – and support for the military ...

US Government Has No Real Choice On Egypt 18 Aug 2013 | 12:21 am

Title for a Daniel Larison piece in The Guardian: Unless Obama cuts aid to Egypt, he'll be seen as endorsing coup and crackdown: The US has already taken sides in Egypt – and support for the military ...

Mormonism Creates Healthier Societies 17 Aug 2013 | 10:13 am

My take on Mormonism: Mormonism is better than other sects of Christianity because Mormons behave better than most (all?) other Christian sects. Mormonism causes people to work harder, stay married, p...

Over 200 Dead In Egypt Clashes 15 Aug 2013 | 11:57 am

The Muslim Brotherhood managed to kill at least 43 police. Possibly the death toll is much larger. The Muslim Brotherhood puts it at 2200 dead as the Egyptian military attacks public areas where the M...

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