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Plays of Theatre and Playground 23 Aug 2013 | 12:42 pm
In the world of kinky sex, the word “play” gets tossed around a lot. It gets used for the types of activities we are in to – knife play for example being a way to describe safe, consensual engagement ...
Not a Vessel 23 Aug 2013 | 12:31 pm
Creativity can be incredibly frustrating sometimes. I have three unfinished blog entries sitting on my laptop right now, and when I try to write one from the notes they are in… it is not working. Each...
August Podcast – Spaces, Places and Desire 23 Aug 2013 | 05:28 am Which turns you on more – sensuously appointed bedrooms or debaucherous public dungeons? Lee Harrington explores the wide variety of places people enjoy...
Percolation 24 Jul 2013 | 02:21 am
We walk through the woods, GPS mapping our way so we can find this spot again, the lone tree in this part of the forest that has a branch bent enough to do suspension off of. A forest of birch, a fore...
June Podcast: Kinky Camping Success 19 Jun 2013 | 01:56 am It’s summertime! Having done kinky camping events for well over a decade, a bit obsessively so, Lee takes you through his packing lists, proposals, conc...
Down to the mats 12 Jun 2013 | 11:55 pm
They went down to the mats. Two bodies pinning each other down in turn, elbows into chests and knees into groins. Ferocious passion bubbled up as smiles became growls became moans. A full nelson becam...
Ramblewood Empty 4 Jun 2013 | 01:45 am
The birds are chirping, heat of the sun ducked down behind clouds, the heat midday faded to a comfortable afternoon. Green trees, green grass, greenery of all sorts. Empty. On-site at Ramblewood you ...
Kink Coming Out Day Seeks Artists! 23 May 2013 | 06:01 am
Artists, we want you to participate in our Kink Coming Out Day (KCOD) logo contest! Read below a little bit about KCOD including the link to the website with the details. What is Kink Coming Out Day...
May 2013 Podcast – Rope Community Hub and Beyond 21 May 2013 | 03:58 am
With Shibaricon the week this podcast goes/went live, Lee takes some time to reflect how far the event has gone since its debut in 2004. 10 events later, it has become the hub of a rope bondage commun...
Ritual Entertainment 15 May 2013 | 06:00 am
I recently attended a public pagan ritual, 50 or so people in a large circle, a spirit/dream catcher hanging in the center. Three individuals dressed like flying nuns, in red (because who doesn’t love...