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Gateway 3DS Region Free and Gateway 3DS Firmware Spoofing 22 Aug 2013 | 03:59 pm
Gateway-3ds.com released its Gateway 3DS card into market on Aug 8th, 2013, and distributors now get them in stock. Although this Gateway 3DS can now only be used for 3DS / 3DSXL / 3DSLL with system ...
R4iTT 3DS RTS card support 3DS V6.2.0-12 firmware! 19 Aug 2013 | 06:55 am
New R4iTT 3DS RTS V3.03 kernel is released from r4itt.net. it enable R4iTT 3DS RTS card to support latest 3DS V6.2.0-12 E/U/J system. Players can download the latest R4itt kernel for update support 3D...
R4i Dual Core card support 3DS V6.2.0-12 firmware! 12 Aug 2013 | 11:36 am
R4isdhc.com released new R4i V1.62 kernel on August 10th. With the latest software, the R4i Dual Core can work on latest 3DS V6.2.0 E/U/J console. For those old version of R4i Dual Core card, please d...
R4i Gold Pro card support 3DS V6.2.0-12 firmware! 12 Aug 2013 | 11:28 am
Good news, the R4i-Gold Pro card (r4i-gold.com) successfully break 3DS V6.2.0-12 E/U/J system. Please download the latest R4i-Gold Pro V1.62 kernel for update. If the R4i Pro card in your hand is old ...
R4i SDHC 3DS RTS kernel update to support 3DS V6.2.0-X firmware! 8 Aug 2013 | 03:16 pm
Latest kernel V1.73b was released and it will allow certain model R4i SDHC 3DS RTS to work with 3DS V6.2.0-X firmware! For the users who have upgraded their console to 3DS V6.2.0-X, please download t...
R4i Gold Plus support 3DS V6.2.0-12 firmware! 8 Aug 2013 | 03:04 pm
R4i Gold Plus team released the latest firmware V2.2 which will support 3DS V6.2.0-12! Users just need to download it and upgrade your R4i Gold Plus card.
R4i sdhc V1.70b kernel update for R4i SDHC card 2 Jul 2013 | 07:20 am
Red R4i team released new R4i SDHC V1.70b firmware for it's flashcard on June 29th. just like before update, it fixed some bugs and solved some new DS games. R4i sdhc team claimed the R4i SDHC card al...
Which R4 card support 3DS V6.0.0-12E/U/J system? 27 Jun 2013 | 07:25 am
Nintendo 3DS V6.0.0-12E/U/J system lock flashcard Nintendo upgraded 3DS system to V6.0.0-12 on Juan 17th, most flashcard are locked. If you are using a flashcard, please don't upgrade the 3DS to late...
R4i-SDHC V1.69b kernel update 27 Jun 2013 | 07:08 am
R4i-sdhc kernel updated to r4i V1.69b on June 10th. (r4i-sdhc V1.69b for DSi card, r4i-3ds v1.69b for 3DS card, r4 sdhc v1.69b for DS card). The main update content of new kernel is to enhance RTS fun...
Gateway-3DS Flashcart Blocked by 3DS V6.0.0-12 System 24 Jun 2013 | 08:14 am
As we are waiting for arrival of Gateway-3DS flashcart, new 3DS system V6.0.0-12J has blocked this flashcart although it has not been released openly. What we think about this blocking System V6.0.0...