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The void of undefined in JavaScript 28 Mar 2013 | 12:16 pm

Undefined Undefined is a JavaScript primitive that is used when a value has not been assigned a value. If you have done more than one day's programming in any language you will realise that this is a...

Google+ is not the Internet 20 Mar 2013 | 04:20 pm

So long Google Reader The old news is that Google are canning Google Reader. There are two simple reasons for this: usage of Google Reader has declined, and as a company we’re pouring all of our ene...

Working with filesystems in Node.js 8 Mar 2013 | 01:38 pm

Different ways to read a file Node provides three different ways to read a file through the fs module. Synchronously Asynchronously As a stream To read a file synchronously you can do this To re...

Working with filesystems in Node.js 8 Mar 2013 | 01:38 pm

Different ways to read a file Node provides three different ways to read a file through the fs module. Synchronously Asynchronously As a stream To read a file synchronously you can do this To re...

Let tools define JavaScript style 5 Mar 2013 | 12:12 am

No rules One of the reasons that people love/hate JavaScript so much is that there are so many different ways that you can do something. Reading through the source code of node modules and JavaScript...

Let tools define JavaScript style 5 Mar 2013 | 12:12 am

No rules One of the reasons that people love/hate JavaScript so much is that there are so many different ways that you can do something. Reading through the source code of node modules and JavaScript...

Uncaught Exceptions in Node.js 14 Nov 2012 | 05:00 am

The problem of uncaught exceptions Because Node.js runs on a single process uncaught exceptions are an issue to be aware of when developing applications. Node.js follows a callback pattern where an e...

Uncaught Exceptions in Node.js 14 Nov 2012 | 05:00 am

The problem of uncaught exceptions Because Node.js runs on a single process uncaught exceptions are an issue to be aware of when developing applications. Node.js follows a callback pattern where an e...

Precompilers and dialects 2 Oct 2012 | 04:00 am

Microsoft Open Source Yesterday Microsoft released TypeScript, another JavaScript precompiler. TypeScript is similar to CoffeeScript in that it augments JavaScript with some additional features but u...

Precompilers and dialects 2 Oct 2012 | 04:00 am

Microsoft Open Source Yesterday Microsoft released TypeScript, another JavaScript precompiler. TypeScript is similar to CoffeeScript in that it augments JavaScript with some additional features but u...

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