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Monsieur Franc Salon Privé 17 May 2011 | 11:45 pm

DIE BU?HNE, fu?r Kreativita?t, individueller Stil und Verwirklichung: - Monsieur Franc Salon Prive? – Monsieur Franc bietet die passende Bu?hne fu?r den ganz individuellen Auftritt. Eintreten, auswa?...

Coiffeur PeLa 17 May 2011 | 11:33 pm

Ein Salon der besonderen Art, asiatisch eingerichtet, ein jeder Kunde genießt einzeln den Besuch, die Beratung und im Anschluss bekommt er noch eine Kopfmassage! Ruhe und Ausgeglichenheit ist das Ge...

More House of Hair related news:

De leukste kapsalon 11 May 2012 | 09:30 pm

Stem op Nexxt House of Hair  bij  de Verkiezing van de Leukste Kapsalon van de gemeente Amersfoort Breng hier je stem uit op Nexxt House of Hair en maak kans op één van de leuke prijzen zoals de nieu...

House of Hair 5 Mar 2011 | 12:34 am

Kurz nach der Wende, bereits 1993, eröffnete Catrin Graff im damals noch wenig trendigen Prenzlauer Berg ihren Salon. Hier werden den Kunden neben den üblichen Schnitten und Farben auch Pflegebehandlu...

Win een ''Total Treatment'' t.w.v. €150 euro bij Nexxt house of hair! 3 Apr 2013 | 01:35 pm

Ook onze vaste klanten kunnen winnen! Wil jij samen met je beste vriend of vriendin eens lekker verwend worden? Wat houd de ''Total Treatment'' in? * Persoonlijk advies m.b.t. op de coupe * Knippen ...

New survey finds the number of hair restoration procedures performed worldwide increased 7 Nov 2011 | 09:47 am

Court House Clinics hair restoration expert cites more middle-aged men and women seeking permanent solution for hair loss According to statistics released from a recent member survey conducted by the...

Hair Stylists Making House Calls 24 Jul 2013 | 05:47 am

Hair Stylists Making House Calls Hair Stylists Making House Calls - There are a lot of reasons for hair stylists making house calls. The trend to have a stylist visit your home is hot. Hair, Health,...

Video Session: Joe Pug 13 Feb 2013 | 10:00 am

In 2008, Joe Pug stopped by for a quick set outside a heavily shingled house. His hair was long; his clothes were plain and worn. He was living in Chicago, writing and performing as an unsigned musici...

The Ultimate Headband Guide: Finding a style that works for you 27 Aug 2013 | 04:00 pm

I have a bit of a headband obsession. I love them. Nothing annoys me more than having hair in my face when I’m working out, or even just trying to do stuff around the house. Sweaty hair sticking to my...

Locksmith Scarborough is the name of honesty 13 Aug 2013 | 11:46 am

Locksmith Scarborough offers you differing types from assistance who need house wild hair, advertisement wild hair. Fastening structure of your abode might be precisely connected with security measure...

Useful Links 11 Aug 2009 | 03:40 am

Name Internet Link National House Buyers Association (HBA) Board of Architects Malaysia (LAM) Real Estate & Housing Developers' Association (REHDA) ...

FENG SHUI Room without windows 2 Sep 2009 | 02:53 pm

Q: I am a student renting a room in a single-storey house. The house originally has four rooms but the owner has added another two new ones. All the rooms are rented out to students. Unfortunately for...

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