Most Izzy related news are at: – Izzy Video • Shoot better video.

Izzy Video 241 – Better Video, Less Equipment 22 Aug 2013 | 09:44 pm

When I first got into video, I thought I needed more equipment to shoot better video. A lot of new(ish) shooters think that. And of course there’s some truth to it, because with all things being equal...

Announcing My New Motion Template Bundle 20 Aug 2013 | 08:56 pm

I’m excited to announce that my new Motion Template bundle is now available. Click here to learn more about it! There’s a bunch of stuff in there, including bonuses for people who take action early. I...

More Izzy related news: 13 Nov 2011 | 12:24 am

Finally I can move on with life. I never believed it but it seems to stop when you lose someone dear to you. Thank god I have Izzy as a best friend and she's letting me stay with hers for awhile. :3 ...

Troolling Dem Chefs! 19 Mar 2012 | 10:32 pm

Submitted by: Izzie

DePe Pernah Dituduh Ditiduri Wartawan 7 Feb 2012 | 02:38 am

Dewi Persik (Depe) kembali terlibat perang kata-kata di Twitter dengan pria bernama Izzy Audiagla. Depe sebelumnya menuding Izzy telah memfitnah dirinya sebagai wanita yang punya hasrat seksual tinggi...

Moments of Connection and Healing 22 Aug 2011 | 12:34 am

We sat in the glorious afternoon sunshine at a sidewalk table outside Chipotle, my lovely German Sheperd puppy and I.  Izzy had her usual bowl of rice and pork.  I sipped a Margarita with my tacos. I...

Happy Two Year Adopt-a-versary Izzy! 11 Mar 2012 | 06:37 am

Two years ago this past weekend, we scooped up an adorable, well-behaved pup named Bridget. Today, we have an adorable, crazy, off-the-wall dog who we now call Izzy, the Wiz, Wiztini and whatever else...

Nose Work and Thundershirts 9 Feb 2012 | 05:31 pm

I have no clue what this blog is about anymore. I love food. I love Izzy. So until I figure out what I'm doing, I will just continue to share my two loves with you. Tonight, Izzy and I went for a run...

Vintage Summer 23 Jan 2011 | 07:28 pm

{Aggie and Izzy make summer memories} For me, summer is all about the simple pleasures.  Beautiful days, vibrant colors, fresh flavors, spending time outdoors, in the water, having fun .. Australian s...

Carbonara! 9 Mar 2011 | 05:16 pm

Dear Y it has been almost a year, big smile, with big heart. and yess we are still counting ahead happy pre-anniversary izzy. (i kno..i sounds cute when i call u izzy. alolololo..)

Website Launch! 20 Jan 2010 | 12:59 am After months of hard work, we have finally launched our new website. Many thanks to Claire, Carolyn, Izzy, Paul and everyone who has worked tirelessly since June. The ne...

Latvieši ārvalstīs mēģina iedzīvoties viltojot OCTA apdrošināšanas vēsturi 11 Jan 2011 | 09:34 pm

Pēdējo mēnešu laikā, Latvijas Transportlīdzekļa apdrošinātāju biroja (LTAB) rīcībā nonākusi informācija, ka ārvalstu apdrošinātājiem tiek iesniegtas viltotas izziņas, kuras saskaņā ar OCTA likumu LTAB...

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