Most Needle Art related news are at: – Tattoo Platform – Voor alle tattoo informatie!

Tattoo van de dag 27-08-2013 27 Aug 2013 | 12:04 pm

De Tattoo van de dag gaat vandaag naar Bertina van Swallow Ink in Bergen op Zoom voor dit mooie, strakke stuk, wederom gezet tijdens de Dutch Ladies Tattoo Convention in Zaandam. Bezoekadres Contact...

Tattoo van de dag 26-08-2013 26 Aug 2013 | 12:02 pm

De Tattoo van de dag gaat naar Martina van Fineline Tattoo in Emmen voor dit schitterende kunstwerk, waarvoor ze ook de 1e prijs won in de categorie ‘black & grey small’ op de Dutch Ladies Tattoo Conv...

More Needle Art related news:

13e Internationale Needle Art Convention 2012 17 Apr 2012 | 06:00 am

Op 19 en 20 mei 2012 wordt in Breda voor de 13e keer deze internationale tattoo conventie gehouden. De locatie zal dezelfde zijn als de voorgaande jaren, alleen de naam van de locatie is veranderd in...

Northwest Quilt, Craft, & Sewing Festival 15 Nov 2010 | 10:30 pm

The Quilt, Craft & Sewing Festival is coming to Puyallup the  for the Northwest show November 18, 19, and 20, 2010. This show offers a wide variety of sewing, quilting, needle-art and craft supply exh...

Ohio here we come! 21 Jun 2013 | 08:15 pm

Fall market time is here and I am so excited to be heading back to Columbus, Ohio for TNNA, The National Needle Arts trade show. One item on the checklist is a 'social' knitting project.  I am curren...

My TNNA round up 10 Jul 2013 | 09:42 pm

The absolute highlight of my yarn year is always TNNA – the National Needle Arts trade show.  This summer, it was held in Columbus, which is always a blast! I had three goals in mind as I travelled do...

Capsule by GoKnit 27 Jul 2013 | 01:59 pm

Storage solutions for needle arts. Chic faux alligator envelopes to store crochet hooks & darning needles: Small Capsule - holds darning needle with magnet in lining to hold metals in place Large Ca...

2013 Exhibition Applications due soon 10 May 2012 | 02:00 am

The Mundaring Arts Centre is currently seeking applications from interested artists or arts groups to be part of their dynamic exhibition programme for 2013. Applications available on line at www.mund...

Mundaring Arts Centre's 2012 Exhibition Programme 9 Jan 2012 | 02:00 am

As part of our committment to supporting artists and developing our community, we feature regular exhibitions throughout the year.

Toalhas de Lavabo - Barrados em crochê 7 Feb 2011 | 11:45 am

Estas toalhas são maravilhosas. Estão nas minhas revistas antigas de Arte de Bordar. Para gráficos deixe seu email. Se gostou deixe seu recadinho. Aceito encomendas.

Panos de pratos bordados em ponto cruz 24 Jul 2010 | 09:13 am

Estes são de minhas revistas Arte de Bordar. Precisando dos gráficos não se esqueçam do email para resposta.

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