Most Tiger Bunny related news are at:
[せがわ奈央] 瞬間的愛情信號 27 Aug 2013 | 01:20 pm
橫衝直撞、不顧一切的告白。 與上星期所介紹的緒川千世老師作品《世界因你而轉動》的詭澀比較起來,今日為各位朋友介紹的這本《瞬間的愛情信號》簡直是萬里無雲的艷陽晴空,裡面充滿了羞怯的純愛、熱血笨蛋少年與積極的鼓舞力量,雖然嚴格來說情節都不算新鮮,但作為首部單行本,整體質量已經算是不錯了~ 與阿秋一同長大的悠太,卻隨著年齡增加、外貌差異、思想隔閡的產生而覺得與阿秋距離越來越遠,彷彿被拋棄的忐忑不安使...
[古劍奇譚2] 遊戲通關後感(無劇透) 26 Aug 2013 | 12:15 pm
劇情扣人心弦,值得一玩。而且在這個時代,沒有嗅到硬銷腐味(或輕口味)的遊戲已相當少見了! 今天決定要來寫這部《古劍奇譚2》的原因,是因為我已經破關啦!在推出之前,我對這款遊戲已是相當期待,事前推出的試玩版活動當然都有參與!這一次,《古劍奇譚2》實在沒有令我失望,遊戲實在不錯。以下我開始分析一下它的成功地方。 雖然劇情老梗像八點檔電視劇,但組合起來的緊湊程度直接令系統變得淡薄。 作為一個陸產遊...
More Tiger Bunny related news:
Tiger & Bunny - Kaburagi T. Kotetsu - Figuarts ZERO 17 Jan 2012 | 11:11 am
Now up for pre-order: Tiger & Bunny - Kaburagi T. Kotetsu (aka Wild Tiger) Figuarts ZERO Figure which was a Tamashii Japan online exclusive figure which was available for only a few days, will now be ...
Tiger Bunny Figures re-release 7 Jan 2012 | 10:19 am
Today we put Tiger & Bunny: Barnaby Brooks Jr. S.H. Figuarts Action Figure & Tiger & Bunny: Wild Tiger S.H. Figuarts Action Figure back up for a new pre-order. Bandai is re-releasing these figures in ...
Tiger & Bunny - Kaburagi T. Kotetsu - Figuarts ZERO 17 Jan 2012 | 11:11 am
Now up for pre-order: Tiger & Bunny - Kaburagi T. Kotetsu (aka Wild Tiger) Figuarts ZERO Figure which was a Tamashii Japan online exclusive figure which was available for only a few days, will now be ...
Tiger Bunny Figures re-release 7 Jan 2012 | 10:19 am
Today we put Tiger & Bunny: Barnaby Brooks Jr. S.H. Figuarts Action Figure & Tiger & Bunny: Wild Tiger S.H. Figuarts Action Figure back up for a new pre-order. Bandai is re-releasing these figures in ...
アニメファンは必見アニメワン 27 Jan 2012 | 06:13 pm
アニメワンは人気のアニメを全て網羅していると言っても過言ではないくらい人気アニメが集結した動画配信サイトです。 2011年でいうとやはりブームを巻き起こした『魔法少女まどか☆マギカ』や『TIGER & BUNNY』が大人気でしたし今はなんといっても『偽物語』『化物語』が圧倒的な人気を誇っています。 アニメワンが視聴者に支持されている理由としては動画配信がテレビと連動していて1週間は無料で見れる...
Tamashii Web Shop Exclusive S.H.Figuarts Tiger & Bunny: Double Chaser - Tamashii Nation AKIBA Showroom 27 May 2012 | 03:10 pm
S.H.Figuarts Tiger & Bunny: Double Chaser (Release Date: Oct. 2012, Price: 8,400 yen) CLICK HERE FOR FULL POST
T.B. Confidential 7 Aug 2011 | 11:07 pm
de ?, ~25p. Série : Tiger & Bunny Personnage : Kotetsu Kaburagi x Barnaby Brooks / Wild Tiger x ? (Antonio Lopez ?) Disponible en RAW. > Télécharger < > Lire en ligne <
Manga “TIGER&BUNNY”, Pao-Lin Huang in the manga is too cute!! I’ll die because of Moe! 3 Aug 2011 | 09:00 am
Anime “TIGER&BUNNY” has been made into the manga by the original character designer Masakazu Katsura who is well-known as an author of “I’s“, “DNA²” and so on. Pao-Lin Huang in the manga attract atten...
Tiger & Bunny Vostfr Megaupload 01/10 20 Jun 2011 | 08:25 pm
Tiger & Bunny Sortie: 2011 Genre: Cyber A Stern Bild City les super-héros sont à l’honneur. Sponsorisés par de grandes marques, leurs exploits sont diffusés à la télévision et chaque année l’un d’entr...
Tiger and Bunny Film U.K. Premiere September 22 16 Jun 2012 | 04:06 pm
Also the first Tiger and Rabbit series Blu-ray/DVD, October 29. Wednesday after the announcement that the first volume of the Tiger & Bunny (DVD / Blu-ray combo pack) would be released in October, con...