Most adobe photoshop cs2 related news are at:
Photoshop ile HDR(Yüksek Dinamik Aralık) Efekti Kullanmayı Öğrenelim 16 Jun 2013 | 06:52 pm
Merhaba arkadaşlar bu dersimizde photoshop ile daha çok profesyonel arkadaşlarımızın istediği bir dersi anlatacağım.HDR efekt nedir nasıl uygulanır.Kısaca açıklamak gerekirse modern dijital kameraları...
IRONMAN 4 Film Posteri Yapalım 14 Jun 2013 | 06:54 pm
Merhaba arkadaşlar bu dersimizde farklı bir çalışma yapacağız. Birçoğunuz Ironman filmini izlemişsinizdir. Fantastik bir çalışma yapalım ve yeni Ironman filmi nasıl olabilir düşünelim. Ben avengerstan...
More adobe photoshop cs2 related news:
Adobe Photoshop CS2 5 Aug 2011 | 01:38 pm
Software indispensável para melhorar suas imagens, o Adobe Photoshop CS2 agora oferece aprimoramentos de produtividade e fluxo de trabalho, novas e formidáveis ferramentas de edição e recursos de comp...
Adobe Photoshop Cs2 Full Version + keygen 3 Mar 2011 | 02:05 pm
PHOTOSHOP adalah Sebuah image (gambar/foto) dapat berfungsi sebagai media yang dapat memberikan informasi yang disampaikan kepada masyarkakat. Orang lebih mudah memahami sebuah pesan hanya dengan mel... 11 Oct 2010 | 07:02 pm
Adobe Photoshop Cs2 Pengenalan Photoshop CS2 APA ITU PHOTOSHOP ! Sebuah image (gambar/foto) dapat berfungsi sebagai media yang dapat memberikan informasi yang disampaikan kepada mas...
Namecard Design Portfolio 2009 10 Feb 2009 | 07:18 pm
Syarikat Setia Jaya Client : Mr. Hamid Qayyum for Sykt Setia Jaya Designer : Rubina Yunal Software used : Adobe Illustrator CS2, Adobe Photoshop CS2 Design Concept : Clean, vector graphics Date create...
Thypography Tutorials 26 Aug 2007 | 10:02 pm
Difficulty - About 2 of 5 Software - Adobe Photoshop CS2 Class - Text Editing Beforewords So many logos or Image that have been decorated using thousand of styles. And so this tutorial. I will show y...
Basic Smudge Signature Tutorial 26 Aug 2007 | 09:25 pm
Difficulty - about 3 to 5 Software - Adobe Photoshop CS2 Class - Signature, Smudge Beforewords I have made this tutorial about 2 months ago, (Currently the first, but I haven't published it here), b...
adobe photoshop cs2 abstract tutorials on the Clone Stamp Tool 29 May 2012 | 08:45 am
You may be a adept when it comes to using the Clone Stamp machine in the Photoshop mechanism but hold you decent reaction with the Healing clash Tool? The curative Brush gadget is somewhat new and wh...
Download Adobe Photoshop CS2 – CS5 5 Feb 2011 | 01:13 am
Download Adobe Photoshop CS2 – SC5 – Adobe photoshop merupakan salah satu aplikasi untuk membuat design grafis. Jika anda salah satu orang design gan belum memiliki adobe photoshop CS, disini anda bis...
Tips to Create a HDR picture/Photo 14 Feb 2011 | 01:27 am
Tips to Create a HDR picture/Photo Author: Raja Using a series of images ranging from underexposed to overexposed, a perfect image can be blended together using Adobe Photoshop CS2 or CS3, assuming y...
Menginstall Adobe Photoshop CS2 di atas Ubuntu 10.04 di dalam VirtualBox 3.2.6 1 Aug 2010 | 01:49 am
Beberapa hari yang lalu terlintas keinginan untuk mencoba Ubuntu 10.04 di Virtual Machine, karena penasaran dengan kemampuan WINE (Windows Emulator) pada Linux. Pertama-tama saya mencoba menggunakan V...