Most adobe reader bookmark related news are at:
Polaris SQL Training 14 Aug 2013 | 08:00 am
Last week I traveled to Liverpool, NY to participate in 18 hours of Polaris SQL training. I was delighted on the first day to learn that my Javascript studies came in hand. If I had not been studying ...
Working with the Local Girl Scouts 2 Aug 2013 | 06:40 am
…on a new website. They’re building it, but I’m advising on how to get started: web host, domain name (go for .org), theme, plugins, etc. I’m glad that my library and I am available to provide this gu...
More adobe reader bookmark related news:
Adobe Reader/Pro/Lite 9.20 14 Oct 2009 | 08:42 pm
IMPORTANTE AGGIORNAMENTO PER ADOBE READER ADOBE READER Se utilizzi Reader di Adobe per leggere i tuoi file pdf, ti consiglio di scaricare l’ultima versione del software free, dato che è stata trovat...
mac pdf to word 3 Apr 2012 | 05:17 am
PDF format is the most effective format for reading and sharing. All we need to have is only a totally free Adobe reader, we are able to read PDF with no any troubles. However, do you realize that PDF...
Update Your Subscription Now! 1 Mar 2011 | 02:36 am
IT’S A KEEPER HAS MOVED to Please update your readers/bookmarks/feeds. I will not be maintaining both blogs after today. See the notice below… NOTICE: It’s a Keeper h...
NOTICE: It’s a Keeper Has Moved! 25 Feb 2011 | 02:36 am
IT’S A KEEPER HAS MOVED to Please update your readers/bookmarks/feeds. I will not be maintaining both blogs after February 28. See the notice below… NOTICE: It’s a Ke...
NOTICE: It’s a Keeper Has Moved! 22 Feb 2011 | 02:31 am
IT’S A KEEPER HAS MOVED to Please update your readers/bookmarks/feeds. I will not be maintaining both blogs after February 28. See the notice below… NOTICE: It’s a Keepe...
We’ve Moved! Please update your readers/bookmarks! 13 Feb 2011 | 06:27 am
Hey guys! It’s a Keeper has moved! I’ve switched to a new platform (with a new web address) so that I can offer you more features! C’mon over to and check out the new site an...
Adobe stellt Updates für Adobe Reader and Acrobat bereit 14 Sep 2011 | 07:44 pm
Adobe schreibt in diesem Security Bulletin, mehrere kritische Sicherheitslücken in folgenden Produkten behoben zu haben: Adobe Reader X (10.1) und frühere 10.x Versionen für Windows und Macintosh Ad...
تحميل تنزيل برنامج ادوب ريدر اخر اصدارلفتح الملفات بى دى اف adobe reader pdf 22 May 2012 | 09:09 am
المميزات والخصائص برنامج فتح المفات التى تحتاج الى قارىء ملفات مثل الكتب والابحاث برنامج مجانى وخفيف من الاكثر استعمالا واخف الاصدارات الترخيص برنامج مجانى freeware الاصدار من افضل الاصدارا...
Adobe Reader в Windows 8? 3 Apr 2012 | 01:45 am
Компания Microsoft все дальше продвигается в деле улучшения своей новой операционной системы. На этот раз стало известно, что в Windows 8 будет встроена программа для просмотра файлов PDF. Это будет у...