Most amazon s3 nedir related news are at:
Ballmer 24 Aug 2013 | 02:32 am
Ballmer emekli olacakmış. Ters çevirip okuyun. Yönetim gitmesini istiyor artık. Kendinden sonra çıkacak bir CEO bile bırakmadı şirketinde… Windows ihtişamlı günlerini arar oldu. Mobilde dikiş tutmuyor...
Web için dertlenen adam 4 Aug 2013 | 04:36 am
Bir adam düşünün… Kendi dilindeki haber sitelerinde gezerken, tıkladığı her iç link’in yeni bir sekmede açıldığını görüyor, görüyor. Kahırlanıyor, ağlıyor, sızlıyor. Bu adam ülkesinde “back" düğmesin...
More amazon s3 nedir related news:
New Version – Support for Amazon S3 US-West 4 Dec 2009 | 03:56 am
Amazon announced today a new data – center / region for S3 storage, US-West (Northern California) Region. We are pleased to announce that we have added support for this new feature in Bucket Explorer...
Amazon S3 planning support for versioning? 17 May 2009 | 09:55 am
Based on this forum post by Alyssa, it looks like version support is coming soon at Amazon S3. In the current rele...
2011 Tech Roundup 26 Apr 2012 | 06:04 pm
Here are the technologies we have worked with mostly in 2011. AWS Elastic Beanstalk Amazon CloudFront Amazon EC2 Amazon RDS Amazon Route 53 Amazon S3 Amazon SES Amazon Web Services Android A... is much faster now 14 Aug 2010 | 10:40 pm
If you are on some speedy broadband you might notice that this site load much faster now. Currently is now accelerated by W3 Cache and Amazon S3. Normally it would take around 9 seconds to ...
Setting up a CDN with Amazon S3 and Cloud Front in 5min 6 Jun 2011 | 01:44 am
When you create a new bucket in Amazon S3, you can choose from five different locations: US Standard, Northern California, Ireland, Singapore and Tokyo. Most web applications however have visitors fr...
Property Portfolio 5 Jan 2012 | 04:55 am
Portfolio brings for you supported style for our JA Showcase component and also get newly developed JA Contentslider 2 module and JA loadModule plugin as complimentary extensions. JA Amazon S3 compon...
Availability 23 Nov 2011 | 12:20 am
These concerns center on critical applications and data being available. Well-publicized incidents of cloud outages include Gmail (one-day outage in mid-October 2008), Amazon S3 (over seven-hour downt...
AmazonS3 Plugin 27 Dec 2011 | 12:20 am
“You’re About To Learn Just How Easy it is To Embed Amazon S3 Hosted Videos on Your WordPress Website…” This ‘Point & Click’ WP Plugin Makes it Super Fast and Easy to Get Your Videos to Show Up On Yo...
AmazonS3 Plugin 22 Aug 2011 | 10:57 pm
“You’re About To Learn Just How Easy it is To Embed Amazon S3 Hosted Videos on Your WordPress Website…” This ‘Point & Click’ WP Plugin Makes it Super Fast and Easy to Get Your Videos to Show Up On Yo...
Amazon S3 & Simpledb内部实现分析 27 Mar 2011 | 11:50 pm
Amazon S3申请了一篇专利,名称为”Keymap Service Architecture for A Distributed Storage System“,而Amazon Simpledb的实现细节暂时没有公开。本文根据Dynamo论文,S3专利以及S3&Simpledb的对外API尝试推测这两个系统的内部实现。 对外API 1, S3:撇开S3系统中的Region, Bucket,...