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Historical Development of the Chamsa 24 Mar 2013 | 01:10 pm

The Hamsa Symbol and the Blue Eye I received the following comment from a reader of the site and I thought it was quite interesting and worthy of it's own page.  It's presented below in it's entirety ...

What Is The Meaning of The Hand of Fatima? 12 Apr 2012 | 03:07 am

Hand of Fatima Meaning and Origins By Sandy Lenhart The origin of the Hand of Fatima symbolism is actually unknown but its meaning descends from ancient times up to the present generation. Its liter...

More ancient occult symbols related news:

Indalo (Mojacar Man) 8 Jun 2011 | 01:15 am

Indalo is an ancient Andalusian symbol. The original image, dating from Neolithic times, can still be seen in the “Cave of the Signboards” at Almeria, in Southern Spain. He appears as the figure of a ...

The Swastika: The Earliest Known Symbol, and Its Migrations by Thomas Wilson 13 Jun 2012 | 07:49 pm

This book is the most comprehensive scholarly study of the history and use of the ancient swastika symbol ever undertaken. Its author, Thomas Wilson, participated in the excavation of an Indian burial...

Michael Tsarion – Origins & Oracles 10 Nov 2012 | 09:14 pm

Michael Tsarion is arguable one of the most well researched thinkers within the “conspiratorial field” and is an expert on occult symbolism, ancient mythology and alternative history, producing a numb...

Thor’s Hammer (Mjolnir) 29 Dec 2012 | 01:22 pm

This Mjolnir, or Thor’s Hammer, is an ancient Norse symbol, a stylized representation of the legendary magical weapon of the Norse God Thor. “Mjolnir” means “lightning,” and symbolized the God’s power...

The Odd History of the Caduceus 23 May 2013 | 06:14 am

The caduceus is an ancient Greek symbol of divine heralds, most often Hermes.  Today, many people think of it as a medical symbol, which is contrary to its original meaning.  It has gotten confused wi...

Evil Eye Bracelet and How It Used for Protection 3 Dec 2011 | 12:14 pm

Evil eye bracelet is usually worn by men and women as a luck talisman. An evil eye bracelet often features the Hamsa hand motif. The hamsa is an ancient symbol with multiple roots in many of the world...


News-Oak Island Mystery, Ecuador ancient artifact recodes money pits treasure hunt, new mysterious symbols further decodes treasure search: Pyramids once unsolved lost symbols connects oak island to t...

Hotel Paris Bastille 28 Jan 2012 | 12:04 am

Bastille The place de la Bastille was named after the ancient fortress, today demolished, stormed on July 14th, 1789 and symbol of the beginning of the French Revolution. In the centre of the present...

Jewelry Gold Necklace 23 Jul 2011 | 11:49 pm

Jewelry Gold Necklace The tradition of gold is known from ancient culture. Some people even worship gold as it is the symbol of richness, power and aristocracy. It is a general belief that some perso...

What are runes 22 Sep 2011 | 04:08 pm

Runes are ancient symbols engraved into stones. Each rune has it’s own meaning based on universal principles and ideas – Runes are not divinatory- or a fortune telling craft, but rather oracle. Unlik...

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