Most andrea rossi fusion fria related news are at:
La ley del Desdoblamiento del Tiempo aplicada al Ser 28 Jul 2013 | 07:40 pm
Primer video introductorio. Segundo video introductorio Metodologia 1ª Parte. Gracias por compartir esta información.
Lola Salamanca - Y CHIMPUM.- 4 Jul 2013 | 09:10 pm
Os presento a Lola Salamanca parece una estrella pero no te confundas es un sol, todo corazón, simpatía y espontaneidad. Tengo que dar las gracias a Luis y Yolanda de Biodescodificate y miembros de L...
More andrea rossi fusion fria related news:
The ECAT featured on Swedish Television 21 Dec 2012 | 02:35 pm
ECAT on Swedish Television On the 17th of December the Swedish Television featured Andrea Rossi and the ECAT on the program Vetenskapens Värld (World of Science) “Part 16 of 16: Cold Fusion to replac...
Psst! Wanna Buy Some eCat Juice? 11 Jun 2013 | 12:13 am
Hydro Fusion, the Swedish license holders for Andrea Rossi’s eCat is making an interesting offer to entice a potential Swedish customer to test the water and act as a showcase for the technology. I’m ...
Hydrofusion Sells eCat Juice? 13 Jun 2013 | 02:14 am
On Andrea Rossi’s blog today, the inventor implied that Hydro Fusion (the Swedish licensee) has found a company to act as a showcase for the 1MW eCat and that it is one he approves of. While I do not ...
Customer Sought for First Commercial LENR Heating Plant 11 Jun 2013 | 02:23 am
Swedish/British startup Hydro Fusion and Andrea Rossi’s Leonardo Corporation are looking for a utility to serve as the customer for the first commercial low energy nuclear reaction (LENR) heating plan...