Most ant yui compressor related news are at:
Don’t Be Afraid of Hot Hide Glue! 22 Aug 2013 | 02:03 am
I recently started using liquid hide glue (I have only used Titebond’s liquid hide glue so far, but you can also use Patrick Edwards’ Old Brown Glue) in all of my projects because squeeze out is so ea...
3-Day Marquetry Class at the David Marks School of Woodworking 2 Oct 2012 | 10:20 am
I just came back from a 3-day marquetry class at the David Marks School of Woodworking, and although I am physically exhausted, I also feel creatively rejuvenated! Let me tell you about my experience ...
More ant yui compressor related news:
YUI Compressor Shell Extension for Windows 17 Jul 2009 | 07:36 am
This is a registry/bat extension that allows you to right-click a folder in Windows explorer (tested on XP) and it will delete all of the *-min.js and *-min.css files and then recreate them using YUI ...
Symfony2, Assetic, less et yui compressor: Installation sur Mac 23 Aug 2011 | 01:54 am
Après un petit moment de silence, voici une petite publication concernant l’installation de LESS pour pouvoir l’utiliser avec Symfony2 et Assetic. Pour cela, nous allons utiliser MacPorts. Vous devez ...
TotalCommander und YUI-Compressor 18 Apr 2012 | 03:07 am
Bisher hatte ich nie ein Tool gefunden, mit dem JavaScript-Dateien zu Komprimieren wirklich Spaß gemacht hat. Der altbewährte YUI-Compressor von Yahoo erfüllt seinen Zweck hervorragend – aber die Komm...
完善 TBCompressor 对 CSS 文件的压缩过程 27 Nov 2009 | 04:45 am
玉伯同学近期发布了 Closure Compiler 和 YUI Compressor 的右键菜单插件, 而之前基于 YUI Compressor 的同类型工具被称为“TBCompressor”, (为了区别真正的 YUI Compressor 我用了本文的标题) 一直以来大家伙儿都用这个组合来压缩 JS 和 CSS 文件, 基本上没有什么问题—— 除了作者在
Compare various popular JavaScript compression utilities 1 Mar 2009 | 05:35 pm
Can’t decide which JavaScript compressor to use? Then have a look at CompressorRater. It compares various popular JavaScript compression utilities suchs as JSMin, Packer, YUI Compressor and Dojo Shrin...
to Mother 15 Apr 2010 | 02:36 pm
Hola~! Ya en youtube se puede escuchar. Si van con suficiente velocidad, podran hacerlo =P Antes que lo borren. Es la nueva cancion de YUI-sama! "to Mother", completamente calida y nostalgica... Aca l...