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American Milk Is Not All That’s It Cracked Up To Be 28 Oct 2011 | 05:47 am

American Nostalgia How much more American can you be than mom’s homemade chocolate cookies and a big glass of good ole milk? Maybe we can include apple pie and Chevrolet but I digress. But I used the...

Punishable writing felonies 10 Apr 2012 | 01:26 am

Ignorant redundancies $25 dollars • ATM machine • 6:00 p.m. at night Meaningless quotation marks “The kitchen experts!” • Our “famous” apple pie Punctuation gluttony Important!!!!! • Why pay more th...

Apple Pie Cookies 8 Dec 2011 | 03:57 pm

Every once in a while I will stumble upon something from the wide world of internet food blogging sites and it winds up being so amazing I have to share! These little cuties were just oozing with deli...

Medium & A Pinch and Other Things that Shouldn't Go Together but Do 13 Mar 2012 | 09:00 am

Some combinations are sound strange and yet they go together so well. Potato Chips/French Fries on Deli Sandwiches. Cheddar Cheese and Apple Pie. Peanut Butter, Bacon and Bananas. Salt and Melon. ...

McDonald’s Time Limited Maza Unlimited Offer 14 Jul 2011 | 10:27 am

McDonald’s Pakistan has offered it’s Time Limited Maza Unlimited Offer: You can get following products for Rs. 99 each You can choose from Strawberry Custard Pie or Apple Pie with Tea Spicy Chick...

Holgerne prisuddeling 2012 2 Dec 2011 | 03:39 am

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet toffee. Chupa chups cheesecake marzipan tart sugar plum cotton candy. Marzipan candy canes chocolate cake. Chupa chups donut gummi bears apple pie cheesecake. Pudding I l...

Lorem Ipsum 21 Apr 2012 | 06:26 pm

Cupcake ipsum dolor. Sit amet gingerbread apple pie ice cream oat cake candy canes chocolate bar. I love sesame snaps I love I love chocolate bar tiramisu I love bonbon. I love topping jelly-o. Chupa ...

Apple Pie 17 May 2012 | 10:57 pm

Pie Paste Ingredients: . Cooking Butter- 500 Grams . Icing Sugar- 250 Grams . Water- 1/4 Cup . White Flour- 850 Grams Method: . Mix Butter and Sugar Together, add Water and White Flour and Mix P...

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