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Refugees’ ASIO despair – Great Lakes Advocate 16 May 2012 | 11:51 am

Brisbane TimesRefugees' ASIO despairGreat Lakes AdvocateThe Age has been passed a letter by a group of nine men with adverse assessments sent to Immigration Minister Chris Bowen last August.... P...

Vaivoja että pelottaa 25 Jan 2012 | 12:13 am

Jotkut asiat elämässä, joskus asioita, joita todellakin on väistämätöntä, on pelottava. En ole koskaan ollut erityisen pelkää kuolemaa. Kautta vuosien olen myös keksinyt ja ottanut minua muutamia asio...

ASIO: Australia's king spy 24 Jun 2010 | 12:33 pm

Who would suspect a technologically designed lion fish capable of exterminating human vermin? Risley’s keepers and doctor’s didn’t. Simba had been completed, tested, adjusted, perfected and trialled....

MIDI контроллер – Vestax VCI-100. 18 Nov 2008 | 10:09 pm

На днях приобрели midi контроллер – Vestax VCI-100. Девайс довольно забавный, позволяет устраивать вечеринки с ходу =) нужен лишь ноутбук + аудиоинтерфейс с поддрежкой ASIO. Это полноценный dj midi c...

MB STUDIO 8.50 17 Nov 2011 | 12:29 pm

New MB STUDIO version with restyled GUI, bigger resolution (best with 1280x1024), new jingle palette jingle machine with multi colors buttons style, audio engine with WDM, ASIO,WASAPI support or NoSou...

Wavosaur - free audio editor standalone 13 Dec 2008 | 04:20 pm

Stento ancora a crederci... Wavosaur è un editor audio che supporta VST plugin e ASIO driver. Con wavosaur è possibile tagliare, copiare e incollare Wave e Mp3, fare montaggio audio non lineare, appli...

Wavosaur - free audio editor standalone 13 Dec 2008 | 04:20 pm

Stento ancora a crederci... Wavosaur è un editor audio che supporta VST plugin e ASIO driver. Con wavosaur è possibile tagliare, copiare e incollare Wave e Mp3, fare montaggio audio non lineare, appli...

Portable Stackless Coroutines in One* Header 16 Sep 2012 | 10:26 pm

I remember hearing about this back at last years’ BoostCon, but never had a chance to absorb it until now. Chris Kohlhoff’s ASIO library contains an extraordinary little header, not in the public inte...

KYSELY 16 Nov 2012 | 01:23 am

Heippa muruset! Toivon, että jaksatte keskittyä tähän pikkutekstiin ja vastata tähän. Mulla on nimittäin painava kysymys teille ja nyt jos koskaan teillä on sananvaltaa vaikuttaa blogia koskeviin asio...

AFR article on ASIO and cyber-war now *free* online 2 Jan 2013 | 11:34 am

This is an exception, but you can read my long feature story on ASIO, DSD, and cyber-warfare over at the AFR for free now here.

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