Most band sounds like joy division related news are at:
– wicked witch of the web
0, TT, 2TT: The Calculus of a Chaotic Life 10 Mar 2012 | 10:14 am
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Facebook, Why Can't You Be More Like Google + ? (Part II) 28 Feb 2012 | 10:54 am
So, I commented on my first TechCrunch article. True, it's kind of a nerdy thing to, but since I spend much of time doing blog commenting as a way to publicize other people's brands, I wanted to try ...
More band sounds like joy division related news:
Free-Music-Friday: Vandel 29 Mar 2013 | 06:00 pm
Vandel aus den Niederlanden sind eine Post-Punk-Band ganz nach meinem Geschmack. Selbstsicher bezeichnen sie ihre Musik als Mischung aus Joy Division, The Cure und The Sound – drei meiner All-Time-Fav...