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kyb3R edited BarCampTampere4 30 Jul 2012 | 06:38 pm

Add your own if you want to sponsor something Coffee, cookies, drinks are welcome, not yet sponsored. Materialized Sessions Topics I would like to hear about Ruby on Rails engines (gem as engine) Ad...

Juha Ristolainen edited BarCampTampere4 30 Jul 2012 | 05:57 pm

Event details When: ?? October 2012 from 10 AM to 6PM Where: TBD Short link: on Google+: Google+: ...

More barcamp denver related news:

Virtual RE BarCamp April 6th, 2010 2 Apr 2010 | 07:52 am

What is a Virtual BarCamp? On Tuesday, April 6th, 2010, the Real Estate Tomato will be hosting a virtual event with 28 great presentations. Mark your calendars from 9-4 PST. Each presentation will be...

Disobey on Drupal 7 and... Bartik?! 5 Apr 2012 | 04:35 am

During DrupalCon Denver 2012, I decided to randomly upgrade from Drupal 6 to Drupal 7... live and without any testing or preparation. Part of my reticence for upgrading in the past was my ...

Products & Services 27 May 2011 | 07:02 am

Most Popular Cities Atlanta Austin Boston Chicago Dallas Denver Detroit Dubai Houston London Los Angeles Miami New Brunswick New York Philadelphia Phoenix Raleigh San Diego Sa... 1 Oct 2008 | 04:16 pm

WordCamp Denver is a conference created for enthusiasts, users, developers, designers, and fans of WordPress in the Denver/Boulder area. WordCamp Denver is moving to Boulder for 2010. The next event ...

Barcamp OWL startet in zwei Wochen 19 Sep 2010 | 03:14 am

Schon fast ein Jahr ist es her, dass das erste Barcamp in OWL stattgefunden hat. In zwei Wochen starten dann davon die zweite Auflage – was genau das heißt und wie man sich dazu anmeldet findet ihr au...

Denver teacher, Melissa Snow charged with sexual assault 12 Nov 2008 | 06:42 pm

A 27-year-old teacher at Sheridan High School has been arrested on accusations that she had a sexual relationship with an underage male student. Melissa Snow is charged with sex assault on a child in...

What happened to Denver’s Road Home? 7 May 2012 | 06:43 am

Interesting article in today’s Denver Post here. Not surprisingly, the homeless shelter/services industry claims that there was never enough money to make it work. Baloney! Here in Boulder, CO — whi...

Drunken conversation on the SKIP 5 May 2012 | 03:36 am

Overheard last night, as I rode the SKIP around its circuit starting around 6:50PM and returning to north Boulder at about 8PM – Denver Inebriate #1: Hey man, let’s go down to Dead Man’s Park. Denve...

Rental Homes Denver Colorado 25 Aug 2010 | 04:26 pm

At Denver Rental Home, home owners can list properties for rent and visitors can qualify and apply for various rental properties around the Denver Metro Area of Colorado. 1 Vote(s)

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