Most bare boned and crazy related news are at:
More bare boned and crazy related news:
Statistical Skeletons 29 Mar 2010 | 04:03 am
In order to fully understand VaR modeling it is necessary to get to grips with some fundamental statistical theory. These bare bones are fleshed out in the statistics primer which provides a more form...
Bare-bones navigation for touring 10 May 2012 | 11:56 pm
The scale model of the solar system is real. I admit I took a photo at Uranus. Here’s something you don’t much think about before your first tour: how you’re going to figure out where the hell you ar...
Installing Tomcat 7 and Using it with Eclipse 17 Nov 2011 | 09:37 am
This tutorial covers Tomcat 7, which supports the servlet 3.0 and JSP 2.2 specs. It takes only a short time to download Eclipse and learn the bare bones basics of using it to build Web apps and deploy...
jQuery Plugin in its Most Simple Form 14 Mar 2012 | 08:34 am
If you are looking for the absolute bare bones layout for a jQuery plugin, look no further. Below is a basic starting point for any jQuery plugin.
FatFreeCRM: Free and Open Source CRM 1 Mar 2011 | 06:07 am
Free and Open Source CRM : FatFreeCRM FatFreeCRM is a bare-bones (no pun intended) web-based CRM app. The app is entirely open-source, so you can install it onto your website and customize it to your...
The Frog’s latest web development project… FPE on WP Thematic Framework 6 Apr 2012 | 08:46 pm
The Frog has just finished adding her final touches to the newly developed Financial Planning Expert website. Built using WordPress CMS on the bare-bones skeleton Thematic framework, The Frog has des...
links for 2010-07-23 23 Jul 2010 | 08:04 pm
Starkers HTML5 v3.0 The Starkers theme is a bare-bones CSS free wordpress theme, ideal for those for those who want to start from (almost) scratch with clean markup and only your own crappy CSS to me...
Bye bye windows 8 Nov 2009 | 03:46 pm
In continuation to yesterday’s post, where the new version of windows messenger pissed me off (I had to go and change all of the updated options back to a bare-bones that I actually want and use, so m...
PhoneGap Cordova Camera XCode Example 8 Apr 2012 | 06:17 am
This is a bare bones example of using Cordova or Phonegap to take a photo with your IPhone or IPad camera. PhoneGap Essentials: Building Cross-Platform Mobile Apps The project uses XCode 4.3.2 and w...
Chinese Oolong Adventure 23 May 2012 | 07:17 pm
When my mother and I stepped off the musty, bare-bones bus that had lumbered neon-lit for six hours from the capital city of Guangzhou to Raoping, we could do nothing but nod passively to the suggesti...