Most berlin secret showroom related news are at:
Grey Series on cardboard 17 Sep 2010 | 11:00 am
Except for the first piece, IMG_6687 which is based on a photo taken on May 1st 2010 in Kreuzberg, all photos were taken at a protest march on 10/10/2009 at Velodrom in Berlin-Friedrichshain. The #1 ...
Black Series #1: Boxhagener Platz 16 Sep 2010 | 11:00 am
A series of four paintings based on photos taken during Walpurgis Night in Berlin, 2007. The pieces are all named after the file name of the original photographs. Disclaimer: please excuse the sorry...
More berlin secret showroom related news:
Tonight in Berlin: Sneak Preview Of Top Secret Add-On 12 Jun 2010 | 03:09 am
Hey! We’ve been secretly working on a new + super-fun Add-on. It’s still in early alpha, so we won’t really publicize it or talk about it online yet. Nevertheless our friend and curator Aram Bartholl ...
Reading and Being A Woman in Berlin 19 Jan 2011 | 09:05 am
Reading a book that is set in the same place as where you happen to live (or are visiting) is a way to unearth secrets about that the place that you wouldn’t otherwise discover. I read this blog post...
Guantanamo is in Berlin 3 Feb 2010 | 11:47 am
A few years back when the US opened Guantanamo and when there were talks about secret CIA prisons where suspected terrorists were allegedly tortured, especially Europeans were among the harshest criti...
errr .. kantoi 18 Jun 2011 | 02:27 am
dengan bertrack suit hitam berline merah dipadankan dengan t-shirt Manchester United (walaupun dah kalah UCL) , wa menghidupkan enjin suzuki V100 bernombor plat (secret) . helmet dipakai lalu cermin d...
Detektive Berlin 15 Feb 2011 | 04:39 am
Werbung Detektive Berlin – Ihr Infoportal rund um Detektive und Detekteien Detektive Berlin - Top Secret Schlapphut, Trenchcoat, Lupe und Pfeife oder sogar ein toller Anzug mit Schuhen die Fliegen....
DON’T cut the blue wire! 19 Jun 2010 | 07:18 am
I had actually planned to take a trip to a secret location about an hour’s drive from my home in Berlin, in hopes of “discovering” some new compelling URBEX subject’s to shoot. As I only had the morn...
2013 Cadillac XTS Hides its High-Tech Secrets 31 May 2012 | 05:28 pm
2013 Cadillac XTS arrives in showrooms in U.S. and Canadian showrooms that are expected to go on sale in spring of 2012 as the most technologically advanced production car in the brand’s history. New ...
Audi S8 par ABT : berline enragée ! 17 Aug 2012 | 03:11 pm
Le préparateur de Kempten s'accapare les services de l'Audi S8 pour lui administrer un gain de puissance dont lui seul a le secret.
Zucker. und Foto-Union eröffnen gemeinsamen Showroom 12 Oct 2012 | 12:30 pm
Im Herzen Berlins erhalten Kunden der PR-Agentur Zucker.Kommunikation sowie Fotografen und Künstler der Repräsentanz Foto-Union neue Räumlichkeiten zur Inszenierung. Berlin, 12. Oktober 2012 – Bereits...
Bilan 2012 31 Dec 2012 | 03:02 pm
Janvier : pas peu fier d'avoir reconnu un tableau de Au service secret de sa majesté dans le décor de l'appartement de M dans Casino Royale ! (lire ici). Avril : petit voyage à Berlin où un café près ...