Most best quiet storm songs related news are at: – Southern Girl in the City | A Traditional Girl in an Untraditional World

It’s Really Not That Bad… 27 Aug 2013 | 07:12 pm

I’m probably going to get so much flack for this post, but I kinda don’t care. Robin Thicke, one of my white boy crushes, has finally garnered a #1 hit with his newest single “Blurred Lines”.  But app...

I Was Not Impressed 26 Aug 2013 | 09:58 pm

Last night was the 30th Anniversary of the MTV Video Music Awards.  And I watched approximately 30-40 minutes of the broadcast.  I can say that I was not all that impressed with the portion I saw.  I ...

More best quiet storm songs related news:

Damp and Quiet 20 Oct 2010 | 10:01 am

More rain and lots of work. The best part is that the set is actually outside of LA so I get lots of drive time to listen to music. I can listen to the same songs on repeat a bajillion times without g...

Anime Music Best Song Contest 6 Jun 2013 | 04:54 am

Some of you may be aware, but we’ve been quietly putting together a Best Anime Music Tournament. As you can read from our latest entry, the tournament will focus entirely on anime opening and ending t...

Trouble making chorus stand out 27 Aug 2013 | 03:29 pm

What's the best way to make a chorus stand out? It's a song that goes from quiet verse to heavy chorus. I've added a compressor which makes the chorus less impactful but overall the compressor is nice...

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