Most big media related news are at:
御殿場、お台場。 25 Aug 2013 | 07:59 pm
毎年恒例、お盆ウィークが明けた土日に御殿場へ。 例年、高速はがらがらですが、事故渋滞・・・。ゆっくり行こう。 天気は曇り、少し肌寒い。今日も富士山山頂を目指して登っている人がわんさか居るんだろう。 いろいろ魅力的なものもありましたが、結局ベルトのみ80%オフ購入。 よほど、売れてなかった1品なのかな?自分が納得するものが一番良い。 御殿場には、MCFIVA社のメンバーも帰国前に遊びに来てる...
イチローは、本当に凄いな〜 22 Aug 2013 | 10:45 am
イチロー選手が日米通算4000本安打達成。 一流になる事は可能です。 が、「一流であり続ける事」は相当難しい。 気張りすぎてもダメだし、気張らなさすぎてもダメ。 自分をコントロールできている事の証。 本当に凄い。 彼にとっては通過点だと思いますが、 とりあへず「おめでとうございます!」 PS:引退された後で良いので、一度お会いしてみたいな〜。
More big media related news:
Ed Schultz and MSNBC Fail to Disclose Union Payments 10 Mar 2012 | 04:13 pm
Jack Coleman at NewsBusters has what could be a pretty big media story. He spent some time digging through union disclosure forms at the Dept. of Labor and found that Ed Schultz has been collecting qu...
The Problem With Big Media 10 May 2009 | 11:16 am
If you've read enough of my posts you would know that I am not necessarily a fan of the big media establishments. Call me a nonconformist if you like, but I do have my reasons. My biggest beef with th...
Protons have orbited the LHC! 21 Nov 2009 | 09:19 am
The beam went three times around the LHC ring: see CMS’s e-commentary and CERN’s twitter. This is the milestone that was a big media event last year (September 10, 2008). Update: now it’s 500 times ...
Law & Data: A Guide for Startups 11 Oct 2011 | 07:05 am
We’ve seen a number of big media splashes this year about bad user data practices: data theft at Playstation, Facebook’s ever-changing privacy policies, Apple’s iPhone tracking scandal. But how does t...
P2P vs Centralized networks 8 Jan 2012 | 01:22 pm
I've been thinking a lot about SOPA & Related efforts to control the internet by Big Media + Federal Government. I'm pretty sure the reason the feds want they want to disrupt the ability of the netwo...
Leader in Internet Marketing Industry and Search Engine Optimization 8 Apr 2010 | 05:53 pm
Leader in Internet Marketing Industry and Search Engine Optimization. Internet has gone the big media for today business selling strategy. With pop internet site, the jobs can addition fame, which mea...
Last Chance to Stop Canadian SOPA 10 Mar 2012 | 02:53 pm
Posted in PoliticsTechnology This is the last chance to speak up against Canada’s SOPA-style bill. American big media wrote this legislation. Its purpose is to boost their profits and criminalize Can...
Four Ways Big Media Can Survive In The Tablet Era 4 Feb 2012 | 12:44 am
Our CEO Mitch has just written an article on how publishers can take advantage of tablets that has just been published on It’s no secret that reading habits are shifting: Pew Research Cent...
Editorial: NBC's Olympics and the steely grip of old media 31 Jul 2012 | 02:00 am
Owners and stakeholders of Big Media have thick skins. So the persistent trending of #NBCFail, and the riotous reading that the tweet stream provides, is probably bouncing right off their leathery hid...
Law & Data: A Guide for Startups 11 Oct 2011 | 03:05 am
We’ve seen a number of big media splashes this year about bad user data practices: data theft at Playstation, Facebook’s ever-changing privacy policies, Apple’s iPhone tracking scandal. But how does t...