Most buffer overrun detected related news are at:
WEBS PARA EMPRESAS 9 Jun 2009 | 04:15 am
AITEX a través de su portal Web ofrece a sus usuarios la posibilidad de que renueven su página Web con tan solo participar en el proyecto. El cual repercutirá en grandes beneficios para...
Acerca de TEXTIL@ORG 6 Jun 2005 | 01:00 pm
El portal corporativo textil@org es un Centro Servidor de Servicios Avanzados de Telecomunicación, diseñado especialmente para las empresas e instituciones del sector textil, el cual cuenta con un dir...
More buffer overrun detected related news:
Buffer Overflow | The Basics 22 Sep 2011 | 02:00 am
Buffer Overflow | The Basics Hi, welcome back to Devils Blog On Security, in this post we'll discus some basics about buffer overflows also known as buffer overruns. So before we discus what is b...
Macam-Macam Serangan Terhadap Jaringan 26 Feb 2011 | 02:21 pm
Buffer Overflows Beberapa serangan umum Buffer overflow, diantaranya: a. Buffer overruns pada kebanyakan Web server Webserver Apache dan IIS memiliki celah keamanan. Worm seperti Code Red (untuk IIS...
Buffer Overflows Beberapa serangan umum Buffer overflow, diantaranya: a. Buffer overruns pada kebanyakan Web server Webserver Apache dan IIS memiliki celah keamanan. Worm seperti Code Red (untuk IIS...
Samba 3.5.5 Security Release Available 15 Sep 2010 | 05:46 am
This is a security release to address CVE-2010-3069 (Buffer Overrun Vulnerability). Patches for all current releases are available on our security page. The uncompressed tarballs and patch files hav...
Samba 3.4.9 Security Release Available 15 Sep 2010 | 05:44 am
This is a security release to address CVE-2010-3069 (Buffer Overrun Vulnerability). Patches for all current releases are available on our security page. The uncompressed tarballs and patch files hav...
Samba 3.3.14 Security Release Available 15 Sep 2010 | 05:42 am
This is a security release to address CVE-2010-3069 (Buffer Overrun Vulnerability). Patches for all current releases are available on our security page. The uncompressed tarballs and patch files hav...
Buffer Overflow | The Basics 21 Sep 2011 | 10:00 pm
Buffer Overflow | The Basics Hi, welcome back to Devils Blog On Security, in this post we'll discus some basics about buffer overflows also known as buffer overruns. So before we discus what is buffe...
LibRaw 0.15.0-Beta4 14 Feb 2013 | 10:04 pm
LibRaw 0.15 Beta4 changes: Fixed possible buffer overrun when RawSpeed library used Added new C++ API Call LibRaw::recycle_datastream(), C API call libraw_recycle_datastream() and new errorcode LIB...
LibRaw 0.15.1 24 May 2013 | 11:45 pm
LibRaw 0.15.1 fixes two bugs in 0.15.x branch: fixed wrong data maximum calculation for Panasonic files check for possible buffer overrun in exposure correction code
Installation of Thug (a Python low-interaction honeyclient) on Ubuntu/Debian 21 May 2012 | 03:52 pm
Thug is a Python low-interaction honeyclient aimed at mimicking the behaviour of a web browser in order to detect and emulate malicious contents. [1] I’m impressed with the artwork of @buffer AKA Ang...