Most captcha plugins related news are at:
Sphere plugin beta preview 13 Jul 2012 | 07:37 pm
Le plugin sphere, en cours de réalisation, permet d'ajouter une fonction "réseau social" à votre site construit avec Geeklog. Les membres de votre communauté pourront alors publier des images, des vi...
Thème Purepro 1.8.2 10 May 2012 | 02:19 am
Voici une mise à jour du thème Purepro qui permet de patienter jusqu'aux nouveautés prévues pour Geeklog 2.0. Cette version ajoute une fonction, bien pratique, qui permet d'afficher dans un frame l'a...
More captcha plugins related news:
Плигин Каптча CB Captcha Plugin v2.2 RC2 для Joomla 6 Dec 2011 | 12:24 am
Последняя версия плагин captcha для Joomla, для компонента Community Builder. Плагин captcha Joomla позволяет выводить для полей регистрации (восстановления пароля/логина) картинку или звуковое сопров...
7 considered best WordPress Captcha Plugin 19 Dec 2011 | 09:08 am
List bellow SweetCaptcha Sweet Captcha is an anti-spam solution for WordPress forms, Contact Form 7, and BuddyPress. Sweet Catpcha works on smartphones, iphones, ipads and Android. WP-reCAPTCHA...
Wp Auto Join Groups Plugin - Wordpress Captcha 24 Jan 2012 | 06:25 pm
=== Plugin Name ===Contributors: westpointerDonate link: BuddyPressRequires at least: 2.8.4Tested up to: 2.8.4Stable tag: 1.0 Automatically join members to groups based on ...
Gab Captcha, an efficient captcha plugin for WordPress 18 Jan 2010 | 07:15 am
Gab Captcha 1.0 GabSoftware proudly present its captcha plugin for the comment section of WordPress based blogs, Gab Captcha. Gab Captcha in action Based on the simple but efficient Amcaptcha from ...
Another Captcha Library for CodeIgniter 14 Sep 2009 | 06:55 am
One of our client wanted a different captcha in his website. We were using the default captcha plugin which bundles with CodeIgniter. I have used this script on a different project long ago and that o...
Verwijderen WP Re-Captcha Error 27 Sep 2011 | 05:37 pm
Op pagina’s waar geen reactieformulieren of andere formulieren worden geladen veroorzaakt de WP-re-CAPTCHA plugin een JavaScript error. Deze error werd getoond: De oplossing werd gegeven door llewell...
Animal Captcha plugin para Wordpress 18 Dec 2010 | 01:24 pm
Animal Captcha plugin para Wordpress Version: 1.6.2 Idiomas: Español e Inglés. Autor: Javier González González (GONZO). Compatibilidad asegurada con rama 3.0 de Wordpress. Descargar animal captcha p...
Really Simple Captcha Plugin for Securing Your WordPress Login 23 May 2013 | 07:43 am
Really Simple Captcha plugin is recommended plugin for an easy securing your WordPress login account. It seems simple but actually it is very useful. An ecommerce business becomes useless when the web...
Remove “Captcha by Great Joomla!” link from Core Design Captcha Plugin 6 Jan 2013 | 12:04 am
For those who use Core Design Captcha Plugin for Joomla 2.5, here is a tip for removing the link Captcha by Great Joomla!. Go to joomla2.5_root/plugins/system/cdcaptcha/js/jquery.cdcaptcha.js and r...
Captcha Plugin 4 Jul 2013 | 02:26 pm
hi you can change your captcha by this plugin follow me: Replace all files. done ! demo : download: