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[相片+教路]Tai Mo Shan – 大帽山 26 Mar 2012 | 01:59 am

景點簡介: 大帽山是香港最高的山峰,海拔957米,由於位處香港最高的地方, 因此受光害的影響比較少.是拍攝愛好者拍攝日出、雲海及星軌的好地方。 裝備: 自備一支大水 800毫升及適量的食物. 電話 行山鞋或波鞋 由於早晚的溫差十分之大, 如果要過夜拍攝星軌及日出, 建議帶備充足的保暖衣物. 太陽帽及太陽眼鏡 怕被蚊針就帶備蚊怕水或者蚊貼 電筒及指南針 建議同二至三位朋友一起上山, 切勿一人獨自上山...

Tai Hang Fire Dragon – 大坑舞火龍 12 Mar 2012 | 02:57 pm

大坑火龍起源: 大坑火龍 , 始於公元一八八零年 , 距今己有百多年矣 . 火龍創立前 , 大坑區原為一客家農村 , 人口稀少 , 村民多以耕種 , 打石 , 捕魚為生 , 日出而作 ,日落而息 , 生活頗為清淡 . 據傳本村受某次風災蹂躪後 , 發現一大蟒蛇 , 為村民擊弊 , 送警署處理 , 時值夜深 , 放下後 , 翌晨蛇屍 , 不翼而飛 , 不料數日後 , 大坑村發生瘟疫 , 死人無數 ,...

More ching ma bridge related news:

The Venetian Macau Resort Hotel 8 Dec 2011 | 08:04 am

Location Located in the heart of the city, this property is close to the shopping areas, The Sai Van Bridge, Macau Peninsula, ruins of St. Paul's, A-Ma Cultural Village, Mount Fortress and the Macau M...

The Truss Bridge Bicycle 14 Jul 2011 | 08:57 am

A Must See Bicycle The Iver Johnson Truss Bridge Bicycle was made by the Iver Johnson’s Arms & Cycle Works of Fitchburg, MA.  They produced bicycles of high quality from 1900 to 1939 which were a hig...

MA in advanced linguistics. PhD in badass. 22 Nov 2011 | 06:06 am

Back in the 1960s, when Star Trek was new, it was genuinely radical – admittedly in a radical-as-dreamed-up-by-a-straight-white-guy way – but there was a black woman on the bridge who was an officer w...

Guest Story – The Unspoken – Short Fiction Story 1 May 2012 | 06:44 pm

“I don’t know Ma, how to bridge this gap between father and son. I die every day to see it all happening in front of my eyes”. A sobbing Shyamali explained to her mother on the phone. But interrupted ...

The Life and Times of a Sentinel 26 Sep 2011 | 03:50 am

Cast : Steven Ma, Kenneth Ma, Natalie Tong, Selena Li, Power Chan, Elaine Yiu, Evergreen Mak, Ching Ho Wai, Sunny Chan, Grace Wong, Christine Kuo, Katy Kung, Jack Wu, Benjamin Yuen, Matthew Ko The sud...

Bridging ‘research-policy-practice’ gap must for sustainable development – SDPI moot 16 Dec 2011 | 09:04 pm

ISLAMABAD, Dec16: There is an urgent need of collaboration among academicians and researchers in order to determine actionable and creative research agenda for socio-economic growth of Pakistan and ma...

America's Hunters: The Salt & Light of the World 3 Jun 2012 | 10:28 am

Armed Hunters Defend Their Natural Right To Bear Arms at the Concord Bridge in Concord, MA - April 19, 1775 When the Colonists beat back the British Redcoats from that storehouse of munitions in Con....

Is Your Dog The Cutest One at the Run? 12 Jan 2013 | 09:55 pm

Do you think your dog is the king or queen of the dog run? If so, Brooklyn Bridge Park invites you to enter their Cutest Dog at the Dog Run Photo Contest. According to the folks at BBP, the runs at Ma...

A Rambling Stretch – Video 3 Feb 2013 | 11:09 pm

music and video by Tyler Gilmore photos by Gary Isaacs Recorded January 30th, 2013 New England Conservatory, Brown Hall, Boston, MA Featuring: Wil Bridges, alto saxophone Emily Pecoraro, flute, alto ...

Niewidoczne urządzenie ADB, mimo włączonego debugowania USB 12 May 2013 | 09:39 pm

Hej, Dzisiejszym postem odbiegnę nieco od security... ale post i tak będzie ciekawy :) Post będzie dotyczyć systemu Android oraz ADB (Android Debug Bridge). Wiele osób ma problemy z ADB, ponieważ cz...

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