Most cho gall related news are at:
Hello, Goodbye… 24 May 2012 | 04:34 pm
I think it’s past time to close up shop here at ILB land. I don’t have a lot of WoW talk to share these days, and despite making an attempt or two, can’t bring myself to blog non-WoW stuff here, eithe...
Guild Wars 2 Beta: Initial Impressions 1 May 2012 | 02:45 am
Meet Tove, my Norn Ranger. Isn’t she awesome? She’s pretty awesome. Also, the character creator is addicting, guys, you have no idea. I have sliders to play with, weeeeeee. There could be some more v...
More cho gall related news:
Cho Gall n'est plus ... 29 Dec 2010 | 07:19 am
Et oui ! Legenders n'est pas mort et est même encore plus actif qu'avant ! Hier soir et après "seulement" 8 try, Cho Gall a rendu l'âme ( et les loots aussi !!!! ): Pas encore de screen mais ça vien...
LOOT AND YOU! 3 Feb 2011 | 06:04 pm
Cho'gall down on 25m. This is going to be an off Topic post fyi. Loot… we all love it right? <Conquest> loot system is Loot Council. Yours truly is on the Loot Council itself. Honestly, it ...
Halfus Wyrmbraker – Bastion of Twilight Raid Boss Guide (Normal) 6 Aug 2011 | 03:16 am
Halfus Wyrmbraker, ettin imbued with unnatural power and stamina by Cho’gall is the first boss in the Bastion of Twiligh and one of the easier to beat (both in normal and heroic difficulty). Our g...
Le Bastion du crépuscule exorcisé par Sakifo 25 Mar 2011 | 06:54 pm
… Cho’Gall Mode 10 pétrifié par la prière de l’ananas ! En ces jours de printemps cyclonique, la guilde a eu raison des démons du BoT. Qui a dit que les vampires étaient éternels ? C’est chargés de b...
Cho’gall defeated – 10 Man 28 Jan 2011 | 05:20 pm
Twilight Stars – Characters to Watch in 4.3 29 Nov 2011 | 02:02 pm
Cho’gall, the mad corrupted Ogre-lord of the nihilistic Twilight’s Hammer, has been silenced, and the dark secret, Sinestra reborn, hidden beneath his bastion of Twilight, slain. The Lord of the Elem...
Patch 4.1 PTR patch notes update for March 15 16 Mar 2011 | 11:01 pm
New patch notes have just hit the PTR with some interesting new changes. Atramedes, Nefarian, and Cho’gall all got a couple nerfs, and a bunch of abilities will have their appearances change if you ar...
Cho'Gall defeated! 13 May 2011 | 04:10 pm
Posted 05/12/2011 09:10 PM by Zeh. Gratz to everyone!
candid fistou 3 Sep 2012 | 11:15 pm
- Pseudo: fistoublak - Classe & Lvl: démo destru lvl 85 et mon drood multifonction lvl 85 sur cho'gall (qui sera migre demain) - Présentation IRL : Florent, 27 ans, j'habite à Belfort dans l'EST ...
That's what she said 18 Nov 2012 | 11:19 am
Too soon.... I have come too soon. Au total, ça nous fait un joli petit 7/7 Firelands (à ajouter aux précédents 3/4 BoT, 6/6 BWD, 1/2 To4W, seuls Conclave et Cho'gall ont résisté pour l'instant.) La...