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SummitUp 2010 – Dayton, Ohio 4 Nov 2010 | 03:06 am

SummitUp is a one day conference dedicated to exploring the integration of creativity, communication, and technology. It took place on October 19th, 2010, at Sinclair Community College in Dayton, Ohio...

Minding common ground: “Poly-farming” in northeast Ohio 28 Sep 2011 | 05:00 pm

Just about any road I take that leads me out of Wooster, Ohio, very quickly guides me past vast fields of corn or soybeans. Agriculture plays a vital role in Wayne County’s economy, and for several de...

Ohio State dorm room sex 7 Dec 2010 | 10:00 pm

This group of college students at Ohio State are having a private party in their dorm room. Plenty of alcohol and a daring attitude leads some of them to tease in a sexual way, which is sure to lead t...

Diane C. – Beans-N-Cream, Cedarville, OH 9 Aug 2013 | 07:28 pm

We were your classic business owners that tried to rely on a $99 cash register to run our business. We have a coffee shop in a small college town in Ohio, and found as we grew that buying a register e...

Kunstlercast #240– Nobody Knows What God Looks Like 1 Aug 2013 | 11:06 pm

# 240 -- JHK interviews David Orr, the Paul Sears Distinguished Professor of Environmental Science and Politics at Oberlin College, in Oberlin, Ohio. David is the author of Down to the Wire: Confronti...

Blueberry Beer Sorbet 21 Aug 2013 | 04:30 pm

Hubby and I enjoy beer. A lot. As we’ve grown up, our tastes have evolved to appreciate quality beer, not the crap we drank in college. Moving to Ohio, we were concerned that we wouldn’t be able to sa...

USA: Młodzi demokraci dokonali serii pozorowanych “rasistowskich ataków”, które miały na celu oczernić konserwatystów 26 Aug 2013 | 01:58 pm

Portal Daily Caller wyjawił, że “rasistowski” wandalizm na kampusie college’u w Ohio, uprzednio wiązany z “białymi konserwatystami” (“white conservatives”), lub “białymi rasistami” jak w politycznie p...

Ibotta and Buehler’s Fresh Foods Partner to Give Shoppers Cash Rewards 26 Aug 2013 | 07:37 pm

Ibotta and Buehler’s Fresh Foods Partner to Give Shoppers Cash Rewards WOOSTER, Ohio – August 26, 2013 Buehler’s Fresh Foods shoppers can now use the free Ibotta app to earn cash on top of in-store ...

Oberlin Ace Hardware to open on Friday, August 9 30 Jul 2013 | 01:16 am

WOOSTER, Ohio – July 29, 2013 E & H Hardware Group will open their eleventh ACE Hardware store on Friday August 9th. Doors will open at 8:00am with a “chain cutting” celebration and refreshments at 9:...

Portage Lakes IGA to Sell to Buehler’s Fresh Foods 21 Jun 2013 | 09:29 pm

WOOSTER, Ohio – June 21, 2013 Portage Lakes IGA and Buehler’s Fresh Foods announced today they have been working toward the sale of Portage Lakes IGA to Buehler’s Fresh Foods, Wooster, Ohio. At this t...

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