Most compact red macintosh apple tree related news are at:
– Apples and orchards, pears, plums, cherries - flavors, tasting notes, identification
Orchard - Silver Creek Orchards 26 Aug 2013 | 08:37 am
Located 5 miles north of Wausau at the intersection of Hwy K and Hwy A. We have many varieties of apple. We sell mostly at Wausau Farmers Market. Orchard sales are by calling ahead.
Orchard - Doud's Countyline Orchard 26 Aug 2013 | 08:17 am
It's all about the fruit - Apples, Peaches, Pears, and Strawberries in season - we grow what we sell - no petting zoos, no corn mazes, no hay rides, no craft items, no bakery - just the finest fruit v...