Most concealed carry class utah related news are at: – Joe Firearms – Custom Affordability for the Everyday Joe | Guns, Cerakote and Training

AR-15 Free-Float Barrels vs Normal Barrels, what’s the difference, and is it worth it? 23 Aug 2013 | 04:57 am

Here I am going to address a few questions about AR-15′s and free floating an AR barrel. To do that I will start by answering a few questions: 1) What is a free-floating barrel and what are it’s adva...

Major Differences Between Magpul Stocks 3 Jul 2013 | 01:48 am

My appreciation for the buttstock unfortunately comes from trying out many awful ones. At first I never knew any better but once I was introduced to Magpul stocks I finally knew what a great stock was...

More concealed carry class utah related news:

Tea Party Sponsors Concealed Carry Classes 27 Aug 2013 | 09:41 am

Jefferson County Tea Party is sponsoring Concealed Carry classes. You can request to be contacted for the next available class by emailing [email protected] .  A portion of the class fee will be...

Closing the Utah permit loophole in Texas 5 Jan 2011 | 08:22 am

Rep. Burnam has introduced a bill to address the “Utah CHL loophole” that allows instructors to teach the Utah carry permit class in Texas, and for Texas residents to carry in Texas on a Utah permit –...

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