Most crowdfunding related news are at:
Über den Stand des Social Media Marketing in der Buchbranche – Interview beim Buchreport 14 Aug 2013 | 08:16 pm
Anlässich des Virenschleuder-Preises 2013 hat mich der Buchreport zum Stand des Social Media Marketing in der Buchbranche und zu weiteren Einschätzungen interviewt. Exciting Commerce findet es “lesens...
Es geht wieder los! – Über den Virenschleuder-Preis 2013 (#vsp13) 7 Aug 2013 | 07:04 pm
Macht mit! ► Nominierung einreichen Marketing ist meist dann besonders erfolgreich, wenn es “ansteckend” ist. So es einen Nerv der Menschen trifft, erreicht es mehr Aufmerksamkeit als sich mit dem je...
More crowdfunding related news:
Crowdfunding Drupal: If you won't put a dollar in the pot, say why not! 16 Mar 2012 | 04:02 am
Would you give $20 for that feature/fix/documentation you've always wanted in a module/theme/distribution? Yes? Great! Would you pledge $20 for the chance to give that $20? Wonderful! Please make you...
How to CrowdFund Your Next Venture 27 May 2012 | 04:20 pm
Using the public to complete tasks is a neat and interesting way to get ideas and work completed. However, using the public and large groups of people to fund your project or venture is simply amazing... – Unidos por um Ensaio Fotográfico 5 Mar 2012 | 01:14 am
Um inovador conceito de crowdfunding está para ser lançado. Trata-se do Em tradução livre, nake it quer dizer, dispa isso. Como assim e o que isso tem a ver com crowdfunding? Aliás, o que ...
crowdfunding 5 Feb 2012 | 03:39 pm
The Lane Style House Launches Crowdfunding Project On Rock The Post 30 May 2012 | 07:42 pm
San Antonio, TX (PRWEB) May 29, 2012 Designer labels spend thousands of dollars managing sample requests from the media and PR services. Unfortunately, a large number of talented designers are not ab...
Le crédit entre particuliers ou crowdfunding 2 Mar 2012 | 02:07 pm
C'est une activité apparue dans le courant des années 2000 et qui consiste à appliquer le principe du "P2P" aux crédits. Nous allons analyser les rendements réels des leaders mondiaux de cette activit...
Infinit-Loop: envoltori per regals reutilitzable 21 Mar 2012 | 11:01 am
Llegeixo quelcom molt original a la web Ecología y Microsiervos. ¿Cómo es el Infinit-loop? from Didac Ferrer on Vimeo. Si consiguen la financiación mediante crowdfunding, lo llevan a cabo:Infinit-Lo...
Crowdfunding Public Media 26 Jan 2012 | 05:01 am
By Amanda Hirsch Need $40,000 to produce a local documentary? Just ask your audience. That's what filmmaker Sam Mayfield did, for a film she's working on about last year's protests in Ma...
20. Runde der NPO-Blogparade 28 Jan 2011 | 08:55 am
Karin Janner fragt in der 20. Runde der NPO-Blogparade “Crowdsourcing und Crowdfunding – Nutzen, Chancen und Risiken im Non-Profit-Bereich” Wer von Euch kann über eigene Erfahrungen berichten? (Als...
Del Crowdfunding al Kaosfusconing 14 Jan 2012 | 12:08 am
Un compañero me hizo llegar ayer cierta editorial en la que me doy por aludido, y por tal motivo creo que una respuesta merece, con lo cual, dada mi vagancia creativa en la red, uso y abuso de es...