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Setup VPS with Debian, Nginx and Virtualmin 14 Mar 2012 | 03:26 pm

I recently upgraded my VPS to use Nginx and Virtualmin and found it to be a killer setup. Nginx is superfast in a low memory setup and Virtualmin GPL edition is a powerful and free control panel which...

(Debian + Nginx + PHP5) HOWTO 24 Sep 2010 | 11:38 pm

{lang: 'pl'}Duże obciążenie aplikacji PHP działającej na serwerze Apache skutkuje utworzeniem wielu procesów interpretera. Prowadzi to do ogromnego zużycia pamięci, a w efekcie do spadku wydajności. N...

Howto install nginx webserver in Debian 26 Apr 2009 | 03:16 pm

Nginx (pronounced “engine x”) is a free, open-source, high-performance HTTP server and reverse proxy, as well as an IMAP/POP3 proxy server. Written by Igor Sysoev in 2005, Nginx now hosts between 1% a...

Debian Nginx + PHP-FPM for hosting WordPress 25 Jan 2012 | 11:18 am

Say we have a low resources server or virtual machine on which we want to host at least one wordpress site/blog in a secure manner. This time, Debian is the distribution of choice. You have never he...

Lighttpd vs Nginx (Apache Benchmark) 22 Mar 2009 | 07:25 am

Continuing previous post Lighttp vs Apache2 Now, i’ve done another test Lighttpd vs Nginx using Apache Benchmark Benchmark parameter ab -c 300 -n 1000 … . . . . . Nginx + spawn-fcgi 14:31:34...

在 Debian Nginx 上安装 Nagios 3.2 24 Aug 2009 | 02:01 am

下载所需软件: wget 创建 nagios 用户和组: groupadd nagios useradd -g nagios -d /usr/local/nagios -s /b...

Debian Nginx + PHP-FPM for hosting WordPress 25 Jan 2012 | 06:18 am

Say we have a low resources server or virtual machine on which we want to host at least one wordpress site/blog in a secure manner. This time, Debian is the distribution of choice. You have never hear...

Nginx apache function normally uyarısını düzeltme 8 Jan 2013 | 04:13 pm

sunucunuzdaki sitelerin bir kısmı Apache function normally uyarısı alıyorsak muhtemelen  sitenin httpd.conf dosyasında portu nginxin kullandığı port değildir, danginx scripti ile httpd.conf dosyamızda...

Debian Nginx + PHP-FPM for hosting WordPress 25 Jan 2012 | 02:18 am

Say we have a low resources server or virtual machine on which we want to host at least one wordpress site/blog in a secure manner. This time, Debian is the distribution of choice. You have never hear...

Debian + Nginx + JIRA + Confluence 20 Jun 2013 | 08:10 am

Берем обновленную систему Linux, я выбрал Debian Linux. Первым делом определимся с чего будет ставить, то-есть с бинарника или с исходников. Я выбрал с бинарника, так быстрее. Еще рекомендуют jiry ста...

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