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FileMaker logo 19 Feb 2013 | 11:20 pm FileMaker logo
Contributing to 18 Feb 2013 | 11:21 pm
Brightcove Short Link OR Third Party Player link Video Recorded on: Mon, 02/18/2013 - 1:20pm Who should contribute to Why should users give back on
More drupal remove js related news:
Track That Stat 1.1 Is here 3 May 2012 | 04:45 pm
What was changed exactly? Completely removed /js/trackthatstat.php and implemented an alternative. Minor bug fixes You can download it on wordpress by following these instructions: Simply log into...
How to quickly enable or disable Drupal CSS/JS optimization using DRUSH 2 Feb 2012 | 10:20 pm
Tweet I find this command very handy during development. Drush can easily disable or enable CSS and JS aggregation using the vset command in Drush. Here's how: Code // To turn on JS Aggregation...
Building a mobile app API using Drupal, Node.js and MongoDB 21 Jun 2012 | 12:02 am
ConsumerSearch (part of and the New York Times) is hiring! We are looking for excellent software engineers who want to work in a technology agnostic environment! In February 2012 our team a...
Building a mobile app API using Drupal, Node.js and MongoDB 20 Jun 2012 | 09:02 pm
In February 2012 our team at ConsumerSearch launched the ConsumerSearch Reviews iOS app. This handsome app helps you during your product purchase by providing extensive product reviews, comparisons, p...
drupal.go.js: A node.js package to automate and test Drupal using Zombie.js. 15 Apr 2013 | 01:45 am
When I gave my presentation yesterday regarding Automating and Testing Drupal with Zombie.js, I also introduced a new project that I created which makes it super simple to automate anything within the...
Magento :: add or remove javascript files to your template 25 Mar 2010 | 08:38 pm
Following lines will be helping for you if you’r trying to add some javascript file to your custom theme. As per your requirements, you’ll need to see in which layout file you want to call your js fi...
CQRLOG website is back online! 11 May 2012 | 06:40 am
New CQRLOG website almost finished. Now it's running on Drupal 7 with ZeroPoint theme. We also added a few modules to improve our forum. Unfortunately we had to remove a few modules which was incompat...
Drupal and node.js make for some funky sh*t 4 May 2011 | 02:46 am
Sorry for the “profanity” in the title, but that’s just me getting exited! Drupal is a cool and flexible platform to make powerful websites and webapplications (I may be a bit biased here). But it ca...
Drupal Membership Module 25 Jul 2011 | 07:55 pm
Provides easy time-limited membership management. Please note that development of this module is discontinued. I do not remove the releases as there are some sites ... you need similar functionality, ...
Drupal Alters and Overrides: hook_menu_alter 1 Jul 2011 | 12:55 pm
This brief tutorial will cover altering and removing items in Drupal's menu system. See my previous blog post on hook_form_alter. hook_menu_alter Introduced in Drupal 6, hook_menu_alter allows you t...