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Rozhovor s Janem Bártou na 27 Jan 2009 | 10:44 am

Rozhovor s Janem Bártou neboli Ahydem ze společnosti Elephant Orchestra: Jan Bárta: Google legitimizoval doménový trh. “Vlastníme portfolio cca 30.000 domén, které generují 5 miliónů UIP měsíčně. Kup... v cervenci s provizi poprve pres 15 milionu Kc! 19 Aug 2013 | 06:56 pm

Cervenec znamenal pro prekroceni hranice 15 milionu Kc ve vybrane provizi [nase hruba marze]. Pocitam do toho provize od pojistoven + prodane leady Elephant Orchestra a kliky na SlevyDne...

Elephant Orchestra 100% zkonsolidovano pod 12 Aug 2013 | 03:26 pm

Minuly tyden jsme dokoncili plnou konsolidaci EO pod Nyni tak 100% Elephant Orchestra, s.r.o. patri ePojisteni, s.r.o. Predchozi stav byl, ze 45% vlastnilo ePoj a zbytek fyzicke osoby. ...

Cartoon Elephant Mascot, Mr.Bucks 27 Jun 2010 | 09:45 am

One of the funnest experiences we’ve had in recent time was the mascot design for Mr.Bucks. I mean, take a look at this guy. He’s got style, cool, pizzaz and cash dripping offa him. The client wanted ...

Cute Blog Template 8 Jan 2010 | 03:19 am

What’s best than starting the new year with a brand new cute layout for your blog? Check out our new “Lovely Elephants” template, a 2 column premade design for Blogger. It’s colorful, fun and fresh! ...

Stuck on a plane with a violin, trombone, trumpet, recorder and a bunch of hippies - what could possibly go wrong 17 May 2012 | 03:55 pm

A Canadian Airlines plane is delayed on the the Lemon Bucket Orchestra pulls out their instruments and goes all folk crazy in the da house. Love this. Watch the video and enjoy Hat Tip the Consumeris...

Elephant Shooting in Thailand 7 Feb 2011 | 06:38 am

Im Winter 2010 war ich zusammen mit dem thailändischen Model Peung auf der Elefanten Insel Koh Chang in Thailand unterwegs um Portfolio Bilder für meine Wedding Webseite zu schießen. Fotografiert habe...

How to register SSL Certificate with GoDaddy 9 Jul 2011 | 11:35 am

This is a follow-up to an old post I wrote back in 2008 about registering SSL certificates with VeriSign While VeriSign is still the elephant in the room, these days, all modern browsers support cert...

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