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Everyday matters can be complex 30 May 2012 | 04:00 pm
The month of May means a lot of things. School is winding down for local students. Nicer weather can roll in – as is our case this year. The first long weekend of the summer season happens. But it is ...
Mulberry bags just as you shop around for the best deals in everyday matter 25 Oct 2012 | 03:44 pm
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The place am I allowed to uncover low-cost cigarettes 20 Nov 2012 | 07:19 pm
Cigarettes, not merely being the cost for all of these so pricey however furthermore the notion itself. Basically, cigarettes at the moment are an everyday matter and are made use of routinely more ti...
EDM #27: Draw a Book 14 Aug 2013 | 05:06 am
Working through Danny Gregory's Everyday Matters {EDM} drawing list. 5x8" moleskine, slicci pen, watercolor My trick to continuing to return to the challenge: take a watercolor moleskine and label ....
Watercoloring Everyday Matters Sketches 12 Aug 2013 | 06:48 pm
Watercolored a few of the sketches I had drawn this past spring. Now they are all watercolored and I'm ready to move forward on Danny Gregory's Everyday Matters {EDM} drawing list. Next up? Draw a Boo...
everyday matters Bible for women 6 Aug 2013 | 07:34 pm
I love new Bibles… there’s just something about those new crisp pages that draw me in. It’s almost as if the pages know they were created to be read… they are so welcoming. I was given the privilege...
Cut Your Nightclub Marketing Budget Down.. Build a App 1 Jul 2010 | 07:21 am
The Nightclub industry generates Millions of dollars in revenue a month. Nightclub Groups market far and wide to get clients to come their Venues. Everyday of the week in every city in world has a ne...
随笔:“开源谈的其实是言论自由,不是免费啤酒” 9 Feb 2011 | 01:44 am
开源来自自由软件运动。以下内容引自。GNU就是自由软件基金会(FSF)旗下GPL(GNU Public License)中的G。中文部分是我的学习笔记: Free software中的“Free”是指“自由”。换句话说,我们指的是言论自由,而不是免费啤酒。“Free software” is a matter of liberty, not price. To under...
What Do I Do If My Router Stops Working? 5 Basic Troubleshooting Steps to Fix Your Network 4 May 2012 | 04:21 am
Practically anyone with a home network--no matter how big or small--has experienced the moment of doom when the Internet just. stops. working. The heart drops, the stomach flutters, and the spirit sin...
Hold'em Ice Cold Decks 5 Oct 2009 | 01:00 pm
I was wondering if it is possible to stack a deck so that no matter which way it is cut, the winning hand is always dealt to the dealer. This would be fun to use as a magic trick, to be able to consis...