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Excel 2007应用大全 15 Mar 2012 | 04:58 pm

▷ 内容简介 本书全面系统地介绍了Excel 2007的技术特点和应用方法,深入揭示了其更深层次的原理概念,并配合有大量典型实用的应用案例,帮助读者全面掌握Excel应用技术。全书分为7篇48章,主要内容包括Excel基本功能、公式与函数、图表与图形、Excel表格分析与数据透视表、Excel高级功能、使用Excel进行协同、宏与VBA等。附录中还提供了Excel的规范与限制、Ex...

QQ私房菜——菜鸟啃Excel 12 Jan 2012 | 06:18 pm

▷ 内容简介 你在为输不完的数据烦恼吗?还为了电子表格狂加班,甚至到深夜?还在纠结于Excel的某个应用技巧,求助百度、谷歌仍然无果? 快快加入我们Excel部落吧!我们来自五湖四海,是一群Excel发烧友,平时诙谐幽默,关键时刻解决Excel疑难很给力。在本书中,我们将告诉你貌似简单的Excel常识,怎样输入数据才是正确的,如何妙用单元格格式,能吹毛成猴、以一变十的复制技巧,快速锁定目标的技巧...

More excel vba related news:

VBA Excel 14 Feb 2011 | 12:49 am

VBA Excel Microsoft VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) is a computer language based on Microsoft Visual Basic. In the Excel VBA context, it allows you to write code that automatically performs actio...

Formula TTM (Terbilang Tanpa Macro) 12 Nov 2011 | 06:20 pm

Setelah posting sebelumnya membahas tentang rumus terbilang macro excel, posting kali ini adalah tentang formula terbilang tanpa macro excel. VBA Excel sama sekali tidak dilibatkan dalam pembuatannya....

Visual Basic for Appplications 28 Feb 2012 | 09:09 am

Net even wat meer halen uit de Microsof Office programma's. Tijdens de training Financial Excel VBA wordt de programmeertaal Visual Basic for Applications ingezet om nog efficiënter te kunnen werken m...

Excel VBA: Empty Clipboard Excel 28 Feb 2011 | 02:55 pm

Do you ever think or need to clear/empty Clipboard Excel? I have a big Excel file which abusing the power of copy and paste to format the data and formula. I prefer to update the formula once, then sa...

Excel Extract Cell Comments 19 Jun 2009 | 07:11 pm

Excel VBA/Macro example below will extract comment from every cells with comment, and put the summary in the cell selected by user using Excel input box (read more about how to get cell reference usin...

How to get an Acronym using Excel VBA? 17 Jun 2009 | 07:25 pm

The purpose of the following example of Excel VBA macro is to get the acronym or an abbreviation of each of the first letter of any given words. Function Acronym(Words As Variant) As String Dim aWord(...

Get Position of Last Column Containing Data with Excel VBA 13 Jun 2009 | 03:38 pm

If you read my latest update on how we can get position of last row containing data, then most probably you already have a glimpse on how we perform the same task with last column containing data in E...

Excel VBA Add Set of Worksheets Automatically 8 Jun 2009 | 02:53 pm

There is a time when we must create a set of Excel Worksheets templates on a regular basis in our work. For example, a set of Excel Worksheet for each month of the year or may be based on the … Contin...

Apostila Excel Vba 28 Mar 2011 | 02:21 am

O que é uma Macro? Uma macro é um pequeno programa que contém uma lista de instruções a realizar no Excel. Como sendo um repositório de operações, uma macro pode executar um conjunto de tarefas atrav...

SubReturn Value in Excel VBA 19 Mar 2012 | 12:00 pm

Visual Basic for Applications, like other forms of Visual Basic and most programming languages, has the ability to break the program up into small independent pieces of code. Breaking the code up into...

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