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中小企業趨勢講堂「網路免費資源行銷真Easy」花蓮地區免費講座歡迎報名參加 23 Aug 2013 | 11:08 am
印象中這應該是我第一次在東部地區的公開講座(任何人都可以報名參加),歡迎東部當地的商家與民眾,對網路行銷有興趣的可以來聽聽! 我常常台灣北中南到處跑,但東部還真的非常罕去(除了幾年前曾經在宜蘭的蘭陽技術學院做內部演講之外,沒有其他的印象),這個講座是不限資格免費參加。 承辦單位是中華民國全國中小企業總會,我以前也曾經講過他們承接僑委會的專案演講,報名請洽詢上面DM裡的電話。 時間: 8月...
青年創業協會課程-網路免費資源行銷術系列「用Google blogger幫你免費架設網站」 14 Aug 2013 | 08:14 am
感謝大家對我的網路免費資源行銷術系列的前兩門課程的支持,都有不錯的參加人數,這一次課程,是我此系列的第三門課(依我的風格絕對是讓課程內容滿滿的加量不加價,一定會不可能準時下課,想上的要有心理準備會晚下課呦!),青創協會有給講師課程折扣優惠,若學員線上報名時輸入「課程折扣編號」,則可以扣抵100元課程費用,那「課程折扣編號」怎麼取得呢?請mail來跟我索取囉! 免主機租金、免架站年費、可設定獨立網...
More expression encoder linux related news:
Free screen recording tool - Expression Encoder 14 Oct 2010 | 10:59 pm
Do you want to prepare a video tutorial in Windws? For that you need a goo screen recording tool. One of the best screen recording tool i came across is Microsoft Expression Encoder and it is can be ...
Expression Web Toolbar Pinterest 10 Jul 2012 | 06:56 am
Expression Web Toolbar has just been updated (9th July 2012) with new links for the following: Expression Web Expression Blend Expression Encoder Expression Design Web Design We have also added ...
Using Microsoft Expression Encoder with GoToMeeting v5.4 23 Feb 2013 | 04:07 am
With the release of GoToMeeting v5.4, some of you have run into issues editing your new recordings in Microsoft Expression Encoder, here is the reason and solution. Some changes made to the GoToMeetin...
Streaming audio from Ubuntu Linux to a DLNA player (Blu Ray or PS3) using Rygel 11 Jan 2012 | 10:15 am
This project started out of researching how to play sound from spotify or rhythmbox from my laptop running ubuntu 11.10 through my hifi. Initially I set out to see if an airport express would work usi...
Creating my own systemd service files on Fedora 16(x86_64) 20 Nov 2011 | 12:47 pm
systemd is a replacement for the System V init daemon for Linux. It is intended to provide a better framework for expressing services’ dependencies, allow more work to be done in parallel at system st...
How to solve Unknown encoder ‘libmp3lame’ problem in linux. 15 Apr 2012 | 06:02 pm
Unknown encoder ‘libmp3lame’ problem: WinFF is a cross platform GUI for the command line video converter. WinFF is great to work with ; if you want to convert videos and musics from almost all format...
Shell Pada Sistem Operasi Linux dan Editor vi 18 May 2011 | 02:47 pm
Praktikum Sistem Operasi 26 A. T U J U A N 1. Menggunakan shell pada system operasi Linux 2. Menggunakan pipeline, regular expression dan redirection. 3. Menggunakan teks editor vi, dan mengerti fungs...
Smalltalk express en GNU/Linux 21 Sep 2010 | 02:08 pm
Ya que para la cátedra Paradigmas de Programación (UTN FRRo) tengo que usar sí o sí SmalltalkExpress y no Squeak u otros parecidos, tuve que correr este programita con wine… si alguno está en esta mis...
munpack — decode base64 mime multi-part email attachments 4 Jan 2009 | 02:46 am
How to decode multi-part MIME encoded email attachments on Linux? Examples with munpack, php, GNU base64, C based b64, perl and mimedecode.
BUG with Bind Variables in Labeled Block in 10gR2 31 Mar 2009 | 08:44 pm
Yesterday in my course I ran into a strange BUG in Oracle Express (XE) on WIN32 and Linux 32 bit, in fact one of my students, Ralf Spiwoks, found it: I have tried to run a top level anonymous block...