Most fis related news are at: – FIS-Ski

2014 Olympic Slopestyle course details revealed 21 Aug 2013 | 04:00 am

Today FIS released details about the design of the slopestyle course to be used during the 2014 Sochi Olympic Winter Games.

Six skiers running for spot on IOC Committee 21 Aug 2013 | 04:00 am

Five alpine skiers and one cross-country skier announced their intention to run for election to the Athletes Commission of International Olympic Committee.

More fis related news:

Sekarang Bebas Fiskal 2 Jan 2011 | 04:10 am

Mulai hari ini, 1 Januari 2011, ketentuan pembayaran fiskal dan bebas fiskal bersyarat untuk mereka yang sudah memiliki NPWP sudah tidak berlaku lagi. Direktorat Jenderal Pajak memberlakukan bebas fis...

updates updates again… lol 13 Oct 2010 | 02:32 pm

LOL! been so busy with uni, vids, planetkids, church, games, ggc and everything that I couldn’t be bothered to blog… heh.. more like lazy and stuffs… anyway, updates! just finished my FIS assignment. ...

美国原装 L'il Critters omega 3 Gummy Fish 聪明鱼肝油软糖 —— 260RMB 23 Jun 2010 | 03:59 am

买家必读: 负责人QQ:3595777 想你的孩子更聪明吗? 好吃的鱼肝油软糖帮助你的孩子赢在起跑线! 儿童时期是大脑发育最重要的阶段,补充DHA,对促进脑组织发育,提高智力,改善记忆力,注意力和动作协调能力非常有益。Gummy Fis...

杜汶泽患罕见怪病 不良的生活习惯需防范 27 Apr 2012 | 04:08 pm

 你知道吗,也许你每天都乐在其中的生活方式,正在慢慢侵蚀你的健康,甚至患上癌症、怪病。美国华盛顿大学医学院病理和免疫学教授罗伯特·史莱伯发现,如果一些不良生活习惯维持10年,那你就会成为“癌症候选人”,因为在这10年中,癌细胞不仅产生,而且会发展壮大,最终攻城掠地,侵犯身体其他器官。 据透露,香港男演员杜汶泽被医生诊断患上极罕见的“米勒费雪症候群”。“米勒费雪症候群”(Miller Fis...

Why the Amazon Peacock Bass Is Such a Great Battling Sport Fish to Hook 4 Mar 2012 | 09:11 am

The Amazon peacock bass is not actually a bass. A native of the Amazon River basin, it is a member of the cichlid family (pronounced sicklid). You’ve probably seen cichlids in tropical, freshwater fis...

A Guide to Pier Fishing in California: Top 5 Piers in California 27 Apr 2012 | 07:30 pm

Pier Fishing in California can be a challenging and fun recreational activity for anyone. When thinking about pier fishing, the first thing to be considered is location. Here are the top five pier fis...

Tgk Chiek Kuta Karang Ahli Astrologi dari Aceh 5 May 2012 | 03:00 am

Orang pertama yang memperkenalkan karya ulama besar dari Aceh ini bernama Syeikh Ismail bin Abdul Muthallib al-Asyi. Karya yang dimaksud itu berjudul “Sirajuz Zhalam fi Ma’rifatis Sa’di wan Nahasi fis...

Depth Hunter 27 Mar 2012 | 04:51 pm

Depth Hunter Depth Hunter | 619 MB Depth Hunter offers 25 exciting missions in which players will hunt different fish species and face the difficulties of breath-holding spearfishing, an ancient fis...

Install MSE dengan Genuie Windows. 6 Mar 2012 | 12:08 am

Admin Kun mau ngepost nih, mohon di ijinkan oleh kalian semua yang suka nyontek di blog ini. :) admin abis praktek Fis - Kim, admin tadi pas praktek Kimia kesetrum nih. #curhat Langsung aja nih, buat...

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