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金山、360、百度、华为网盘大战硝烟背后的思考 26 Aug 2013 | 08:03 pm
最近几日,云储存行业硝烟滚滚,似平地一声惊雷,网盘大战突然在几大巨头间声势浩大地展开。得益于本次大战,大家都可以领到上T的免费云空间,笔者混迹于互联网多年,经历过3Q、3B等各种大战,在此以旁观者的角度,为大家分享一下大战硝烟背后的思考。 战争经过 8月12日,金山快盘宣传引领云存储踏入新纪元,永久免费100G云空间。以此为导火线,网盘大战正式拉开了序幕。8月14日,3...
360云盘不甘示弱,推出1T+网盘空间 23 Aug 2013 | 09:12 am
昨天已经说到,百度推出了1T容量永久使用的云盘。在此之前,360推出的是360G,但在昨天获悉百度推出1T之后,也开始发力了,在360G的基础上,再送666G,总共就是1026G,比1T还大2G。 这回是想彻底的抬杠了,360名曰1T+,就是要比百度多一点。360喊出来的口号还是,连1块钱都不用的,完全免费。 当然,这个东西,仁者见仁。你爱谁家的就用谁家的去。反正我是用...
More flash 链接 session related news:
Announcing EMC WORLD 2013 Flash Related Sessions 27 Apr 2013 | 02:33 am
Interested In EMC Flash Products Division Technology? This is just a quick blog entry to announce sessions at EMC WORLD offered by speakers from EMC’s Flash Products Division. Mine is the session abo...
Playful bathroom upskirt session 21 Apr 2009 | 06:43 pm
Hot sexy babe wearing stylish stockings and a nice miniskirt plays in the bathroom Hot sexy babe wearing stylish stockings and a nice miniskirt plays in the bathroom, giving some upskirt flashes of h...
Predator Professional Edition (x86/x64) 25 May 2012 | 01:54 am
Predator Locks and Unlocks Your PC with a USB Thumb Drive PREDATOR locks your PC when you are away, even if your Windows session is still opened. It uses a regular USB flash drive as an access contr...
Flash On The Beach 2011 2 Aug 2011 | 12:25 am
Skive are regulars at the Flash on the beach event down in Brighton and shall be again this year. The inspirational sessions towards the end of the day are always a great listen! And lets not forget t...
Nachhaltig: Jonathan Harris bei Flash on the Beach 6 Oct 2008 | 07:59 am
Ich bin zurück von Flash on the Beach und zusammenfassend war es wieder eine inspirierende Konferenz. Einen großen Rückblick zu den einzelnen Sessions möchte ich hier gar nicht geben, weil es diesen i...
Updated SlideShare 5 Jan 2011 | 12:37 pm
I have updated my SlideShare account and have added a number of presentations including the session that I game at Flash and Flex Israel Augmented Reality & Gaming 12/23/10 "Gaming with Open Source Fr...
Games for Kids. Flash vs HTML5 21 Feb 2012 | 10:14 pm
For my session at FITC Amsterdam 2012 I’ll be talking about making games for kids. More and more, mobile devices are allowing people to visit our websites away from the desktop. The sites that I work...
Smokie Flame Gives A Private Cheerleading Session! 30 Jan 2012 | 12:16 pm
Smokie Flame gives a sexy cheer leading dance! Smokie Flame flashes under that skirt showing her pussy! Smokie Flame has such a mouth watering pussy! Smokie Flame gets wet as she gives a close look...
Flash Player 11.2 graphical gem 6 Mar 2012 | 04:52 pm
At MAX2011 I had a session talking about Flash Player futures and what we have in store to keep the needle moving. A lot of things have made it in including a small graphical gem I’d like to reveal to...
3D Coming to Adobe’s Flash 12 Jul 2010 | 05:30 am
Adobe Systems has started work to bring 3D to its Flash platform, and will preview the technology at the company’s upcoming developer conference in October. A session titled “Flash Player 3D Future” ...