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Setting the icon placement on a Spark Button control in Flex Hero 19 Dec 2010 | 06:47 am

In a previous example, “Setting an icon on a Spark Button in Flex Hero”, we saw how you can set the icon on a Spark Button in Flex Hero by setting the icon style. The following example shows how you ...

Setting an icon on a Spark Button in Flex Hero 18 Dec 2010 | 10:43 am

The following example shows how you can set the icon on a Spark Button in Flex Hero by setting the icon style. [HeroHeader] The following example requires Flex SDK or later. You can als...

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Flex oder Siebdruck 14 May 2012 | 07:57 pm

Hallo, ich müßte 100 Shirts mit dem angehängten Motiv beschriften. Aber das ganze in Flex zu fertigen wär mit zu viel Arbeit. Kann man auch fertige Vorlagen zum selber Pressen mit Siebdruck fertigen?...

Flash Portfolio (Incl Fla) - Rip 20 Nov 2011 | 07:58 pm

Flash Portfolio | XML | SWF | FLA | FLEX | 3MB Please, let me know if you need any help with this template Demo: DEMO     DEMO

Free jQuery Showcase Gallery template 9 Jun 2011 | 11:34 pm

jQuery Showcase is a clean and minimalist HTML template that is convenient to use as an online creative portfolio. Its very simple and very easy to use, cross-browser compatible and XHTML Strict valid...

Adobe Photoshop CS3 17 Dec 2006 | 10:40 am

Adobe has released a beta of the upcoming Photoshop CS3 which is available for download from Photoshop Labs. You will however need a valid serial number of Photoshop CS2, Adobe Creative Suite 2, Adobe...

Valid url encode with googlebot 8 Aug 2009 | 02:29 pm

If you are use non alpha characters in URL, you should encode them. It is easy to do this in many program langauge.  I use php to do this: <?php $url_arg = urlencode(‘一将功成万骨枯’); ?> Yo...

Mystique 25 Oct 2009 | 12:56 pm

topdrupalthemes Mystique theme is standards compliant XHTML valid two column theme with multiple footer regions originally designed by and ported to Drupal by http://topdrupalthemes....

MW3 will have LAN support; but.... 6 Sep 2011 | 01:50 pm

Seems LAN is back in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 BIG twitter question is.... Is this also valid for pc or just for consoles? We'll keep you informed. ...

10% OFF all Mobile Phones | Celebrate Avurudhu in Style! 1 Apr 2011 | 05:00 pm

Get 10% off everything @ VAYU. Offer ends on 15.04.2011 30.04.2011. so HURRY! * Offer valid for cash purchases only. This offer is not valid in conjunction with any other offer. Share this on Facebo...

static considered harmful 2 Mar 2011 | 10:42 pm

This is a provoking title, but, in my honest opinion, a very valid rule of thumb. During the last years of teaching other developers, developing PHP libraries and applications and doing quality assura...

How to validate Date of Birth with jQuery 9 Mar 2009 | 10:27 pm

In a recent project I had to implement what’s commonly referred to as a Legal Drinking Age (LDA) page. Basically what needs to happen is that the user has to enter their date of birth and thus ‘confir...

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